The film ‘Laxmii’ will be released on 9th November. In this film actor Akshay Kumar is in the lead role. Earlier, the film was titled ‘Laxmmi Bomb’. After strong opposition from Hindus, the name of the film, produced by Shabina Khan and Tusshar Kapoor, was nominally changed to ‘Laxmii’. An attempt has been made to misleading Hindus by just changing the name. The main reasons behind the opposition to the film by the Hindu community were the ‘promoting ‘Love Jihad’ and ‘hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus’. The film’s director and producer have sidestepped both of these factors.
Request the patriotic and Dharmik Hindu population of India to send the email petition !
Request you to please send the email with this demand to Hon’ble Minister of Information and Broadcasting, India by clicking on the below button. Request you to send a copy of the email to [email protected]
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Here are some aspects for your kind consideration –
1. The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti also submitted a statement to the Central Government, State Government and the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) in this regard. Giving the name ‘Laxmii Bomb’ to the film is denigration of Shri Lakshmi Devi. Just removing the word ‘bomb’ from the name of the film does not stop the disrespect to Shri Lakshmi Devi. The change of name does not mean that the Goddess in the film is out of context. If the film deals with Shri Lakshmi Devi or is related to Diwali, then the reason for naming the film ‘Laxmii’ can be understood; however, it is clear from the official trailer of the film that there is not even a remote connection between the film and the importance of Shri Lakshmi Devi.
2. Will those making a film called ‘Laxmii’ dare to produce a film in the name of ‘Allah’ or ‘Paigambar’ on the occasion of Eid or a comedy film in the name of ‘Jesus’ on the occasion of Christmas ? Will the CBFC approve such a name ? If the sentiments of other religious communities are respected in our country, then why the religious sentiments of Hindus are not respected ? Such questions will naturally arise in the Hindu society.
3. In the official trailer of the film, actor Akshay Kumar, who is portraying a Muslim person under the name ‘Asif’, is shown to be possessed by a transgender ghost. The actor is shown dancing like a Goddess wearing a big red kumkum, leaving her hair loose, holding a trident in her hand. Whenever this ghost starts harassing the family members, family members present pictures of various Hindu Deities before the ghost, but the ghost does not get scared, as shown in the film’s trailer. This is an attempt to portray Hindu Deities as powerless.
4. The name of the hero in this film is Asif and the name of the heroine is Priya. The film is a remake of the South Indian film ‘Kanchana’, in which the character playing hero’s role is not Muslim. However, in Hindi film, the hero is shown as a Muslim and the young woman as a Hindu. The purpose is to promote love jihad. This is extremely serious and unforgivable.
5. The case of Nikita Tomar from Haryana being shot dead by a religious fanatic named Tausif is fresh. This is the case of ‘Love Jihad’. The criminals said that they committed the murder after watching the film ‘Mirzapur 2’. This shows how deeply the scenes in the films affect society. By showing Muslim youth and Hindu girl together in the film will promote ‘Love Jihad’ in society. Therefore, it is imperative that the film be banned to reduce further atrocities against women.
6. Since the recent film ‘Muhammad: The Messenger of God’ hurts the religious sentiments of Muslims, the Home Minister of Maharashtra had recommended to the Central Government to ban the film. In the same way, despite so much opposition from the Hindu community, it is the misfortune of the Hindus that no Government or any leader elected by Hindus took any cognisance of the matter.
7. Since Hindus are tolerant, Bollywood filmmakers, directors and actors dare to mock Hindu Deities; however, due to this, the feeling of anger is increasing in Hindu society. If the problem of law and order is created due to such films, the entire responsibility lies with the Government.
8. While there are only such a small number, as narrated above, of offensive scenes exist in the trailer of the film lasting only a few minutes, it is anybody’s guess how many more such offensive scenes would be in the entire film.
Against this backdrop, we are demanding a ban on the film ‘Laxmii’, which promotes ‘love jihad’ and deliberately hurts the religious sentiments of Hindus. It is hoped that the Government having pro-Hindutva ideology will definitely consider the religious sentiments of Hindus.
Ban ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ movie which insults Shri Lakshmi and promotes ‘Love Jihad’ : HJS
Actor Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ is set to be released on 9th November on the backdrop of Diwali. It is intentionally named ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ on the backdrop of Diwali. Therefore, our first objection is to the name of this film, which has denigrated Shri Lakshmi Devi, the Deity of millions of Hindus. On the one hand, we have been enlightening people for the last several years to stop bursting ‘Lakshmi Firecrackers’ which insults the Hindu Deity, the name of this film will only encourage them to burst the firecrackers again. Similarly, the name of the hero in this film is ‘Asif’, while the name of the heroine has been shown as ‘Priya Yadav’. Thus, the film purposefully encourages ‘Love jihad’ by displaying the relationship between Muslim youth and Hindu girl. Therefore, the screening of the film ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ should be banned immediately, demanded the National Spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Shri. Ramesh Shinde.
#BoycottLaxmmiBomb बॉलीवुड फिर फैला रहा है लव जिहाद !@akshaykumar की इस फिल्म में नायक आसिफ और नायिका प्रिया दिखाई है । साथ ही ‘लक्ष्मीबाॅम्ब’ नाम देकर श्रीलक्ष्मी देवी का भी अनादर किया है।
क्या कभी, ‘शबीना बम’, ‘फातिमा बम’ के नाम से फिल्म बनेगी ?@offl_Lawrence @Shabinaa_Ent
— HinduJagrutiOrg (@HinduJagrutiOrg) October 16, 2020
Shri. Shinde further said, “The film ‘Mohammad : The Messenger of God’ hurts the religious sentiments of Muslims, and therefore, the Maharashtra Home Minister had voluntarily taken cognisance and immediately recommended the ban on the film to the Centre. On the same lines, the Government should also recommend a ban on the film ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ which insults Hindu Deities, demanded Hindu Janajagruti Samiti with Anil Deshmukh, the Home Minister.
In the trailer of this film, Akshay Kumar is playing the role of a person possessed by a demon. The demon in him seems to be a Hijara (Transgender). It is also reprehensible to try to pretend to be the form of a Goddess by wearing big red kumkum, a red sari, leaving the hair loose, dancing with a trident in the hand. Will those who are making a film called ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ on the occasion of Diwali ever dare to make a film called ‘Ayesha Bomb’, ‘Shabina Bomb’, ‘Fatima Bomb’ on the occasion of Eid ? Why don’t the filmmakers and rulers think of the religious sentiments of Hindus as they think of the religious sentiments of Muslims ? Has the bias towards Hindus now become the definition of ‘Sarvadharmasamabhav’ (Respect for all religions) ? As if anti-Hindutva has become another word for the secularism currently, said Shri. Shinde.
As the filmmaker is Shabina Khan and the writer is Farhad Samaji, it is clear that they are spreading anti-Hindu Dharma propaganda on purpose. However, if these demands are not heeded, we will be forced to launch a strong agitation, warned Shri. Shinde.