The Tamil Nadu police have arrested one DMK leader for involvement in a prostitution racket near Madurai, reports Commune.
According to the reports, the Madurai police busted a prostitution ring on the outskirts of Madurai and arrested eight people including DMK leader Poosamalai.
Reportedly, Hemamala, an inspector of the prostitution prevention unit of the police, had received information about the presence of prostitution racket in the Attikulam area of Madurai. The police team raided the area and found out that the DMK leader was also at the spot.
The members of the alleged prostitution racket, after seeing the police, panicked and tried to escape, only to be detained later. The police have arrested three women and five men in connection with the case.
Poosamalai, who is the DMK branch secretary from Muduvarpatti Devaseri area near Alanganallur in Madurai district was one of the key persons engaged in the prostitution racket, as per the report.
Meanwhile, the police have produced all of them in court and took them into their custody after a court order.
Source : OpIndia