Editor of ‘Daily Bhaskar’ apologises for distorting Indian map after HJS protests

Kartik Krushna 8/9, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

‘Bhaskar’ Daily shows an advertisement for a drink depicting half of Kashmir : Anti-nationalist corrupt demonic rulers repeatedly distort the map of India !

Resident Editor of ‘Daily Bhaskar’ at Bokaro apologises after protests by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti !

Bokaro (Jharkand): The 15 November edition of ‘Daily Bhaskar’ which is published from various cities of Jharkhand state published an advertisement for a cold drink named ‘Pure Neer’ wherein the map of India was distorted by displaying only half of Kashmir state. (The map of India is being repeatedly distorted due to lack of national pride by Indian citizens and secular rule of demonic rulers. Hindus, remember that such things never occur with any other country ! – Editor SP)

1. On noticing the distortion of map of India, proud Indians from Bokaro, Katras and Jamshedpur, along with activists of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti contacted the local office of ‘Daily Bhaskar’ and the related advertising agency and made them aware of the distortion of India’s map and the resulting insult of India. (Hindus, just as activists of Samiti promptly acted against an unrightous attack on our country, you too should active participants in such acts otherwise the demonic rulers of Congress will once again divide this country ! – Editor SP)

2. After being informed about the distortion of India’s map by activists of HJS, instead of admitting the mistake the advertiser and officials of ‘Daily Bhaskar’ resorted to blaming one another. (Such dailies and advertisers must be immediately boycotted by proud nationalists, only then will they understand the gravity of their mistake ! At the same time we should see  to it that they are given severe punishment by registering a case of national betrayal against them, if this happens then ; people who resort to anti-nationalism will think twice before resorting to such acts ! – Editor SP)

3. Protest letters were sent by HJS to the offices of ‘Daily ‘Bhaskar’ at Bokaro and Jamshedpur. The resident editor at Bokaro Abhay Gautam apologised in this matter.


1. As soon as a proud nationalist at Bokaro Shri Ranjit Singh learnt of the distortion of the map of India, he immediately rushed to the offices of the advertiser and Daily ‘Bhaskar’ to register his protest. (Such prompt action taken by proud nationalists are the strength of Hindu nation ! – Editor SP)

2. When Mr Ranjit Singh explained the matter of distortion of India’s map to 6 patriot citizens, they along with him went to the office of Daily ‘Bhaskar’

3. As soon as Mr Pramod Rai, leader of VHP – Jamshedpur was informed about this matter by activists of HJS, he immediately called the offices of Daily ‘Bhaskar’ and the advertiser and registered his protest.

4. At Katras, along with activists of HJS, a number of proud citizens condemned Daily ‘Bhaskar’ and the advertising agency.

5. Mr Sunil Kumar of RSS from Dhanbad warned the concerned officials of the agency saying, “An international plat of separating Kashmir from India is being hatched, is your agency a part of this plot ?”

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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