A priest from Bihar had been allegedly living in Dhurki, Jharkhand since past one year, and along with two of his aides converted at least three Korwa tribal families of to Christianity.
The Korwas are officially categorised as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group. As per the villagers, in past one year, around two dozen families from the Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Caste communities have converted to Christianity in past one year.
As per reports, the Korwa tribal families were allegedly beaten up and fined by villagers.
The Korwa community
Prime Minister Modi in his December 27, 2020 radio address Mann Ki Baat, had hailed Hiraman Korwa, a resident of the remote village called Sinjo under Ranka police station in Garhwa district. Hiraman, who is a para-teacher in local school, had compiled a dictionary in Korwa language. It took him 12 years to finish it.
The Korwa language is on the verge of extinction and there are only 6,000 Korwa tribals left in Garhwa district.
Source : OpIndia