Satara (Maharashtra) : Two trucks carrying 35 animals including 22 cows from Karad to Kondva in Pune were caught by Police Inspector (PI) Shrirang Langhe on Pune – Bengaluru National Highway within the limits of Shendre village (Dist. Satara). Three Muslims and one more person have been arrested by the police.
A truck was stopped near ‘Surya Dhaba’ at Shendre around 1.30 a.m. and police asked the drivers about things carried in the truck. The drivers gave false information that they were carrying some bulls, buffaloes and calves. When PI Langhe inspected the trucks, he found 35 animals including 22 cows, 5 bulls and 8 calves. Under clause 5 of Maharashtra Animal Protection Act, 1976, cow- slaughtering is prohibited. Accordingly, two trucks with the animals were confiscated by police from sellers Salluddin Nijamuddin Bepari, Zakir Yunus Shaikh and truck driver Rajendra Dinkar Nanavare.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat