Solapur (Maharashtra) : The guardian Minister of Congress for Solapur District, Mr. Lakshmanrao Dhobale commented that he too was aware that just enacting laws would not help in eradication of superstitions. (If the Minister knows it, why is he not advising the Government for not passing such Act? – Editor SP)
Yesterday, a representation was submitted by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) to the Minister for Hygiene and Water Supply, Mr. Lakshmanrao Dhobale, who is also the guardian Minister of Solapur District, stating that considering the increasing opposition to the said Act, it should be cancelled. The activists of HJS said to him that the anti-dowry Act has not stopped victims of dowry when he passed the above comment. The Minister said, “Give me in writing, what changes you want in the Act. I will try to present the suggestions and incorporate the changes as suggested by you.” Mrs. Rajashree Tiwari, Yashpal Wadkar, Ramesh Pandhare, Dnyaneshwar Nimbalkar, Vikas Hiremath of HJS and Dr. Gajul of Savarkar Pratishthan were present on the occasion.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat