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Stop the desecration of Religious and Historical places : HJS

Margshirsh Amavasya, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

Mr. Vatkar and Mr. Sagavekar, HJS addressing during Press conference

Mr. Vatkar and Mr. Sagavekar, HJS addressing during Press conference

An agitation to stop the malpractices committed during midnight celebrations of the new year on 31st December!
Mumbai : Presently an increase in the emulation of western practices sees Indians increasingly following the wrong trend of celebrating the new year at midnight on 31st December instead of celebrating it on Gudhi Padwa . This night sees people drinking alcohol and smoking at places of pilgrimage, tourist spots, historical and public places, driving rashly, polluting the places with fireworks, playing loud music on loud speakers, dancing hideously, eve teasing ladies and girls etc.

Giving information to people about the campaign which is being undertaken by HJS to create awareness among them and an appeal has been made  to the public to stop the desecration of places of pilgrimage, historical and public places, explained Mr. Shivaji Vatkar, coordinator of HJS, in the press conference. He said further that, when on one side the problems facing the country are on the rise, there is danger of terrorist attacks, the youth in the country is on the road to destruction. Hence HJS and like minded patriotic organizations have taken the onus of appealing to the public. The campaign includes forwarding memorandums to Police and Government officials asking for increased patrolling to stop the malpractices, creating awareness among school-college students, displaying charts to create public awareness, distributing handbills, checking the belongings of the tourists visiting historical places and stopping them from carrying alcohol and other intoxicants. The Samiti has appealed to the public to support this campaign by stopping the malpractices and to celebrate the new year on Gudhi Padwa instead of mindlessly imitating the West.

In order to conserve National pride the Samiti will appeal to the people at 18 places in Mumbai, hand over memorandums to the principals of Mumbai colleges as well as the police and also appeal to the students outside the college campus. HJS has published a pamphlet regarding this. Megaphones will be used in this process at strategic points by the Samiti.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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