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Miraj : Pro-Hindus save cows brought for slaughtering

Paush Shukla Dwadashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

Hindus should follow the example of such devout !

Devout Hindu activists along with a saved Cow

Devout Hindu activists along with a saved Cow

Miraj (Maharashtra) : Pro-Hindu activists got the news that 4 cows were brought in the animal bazaar for slaughtering. They immediately went to the market to check. All the cows were found tied to a tree. The activists released them with the help of police. Mr. Sudhir Avasare of Sree Shivapratishthan, Mr. Ashok Lakade and Pravin Burga of ‘Peoples for Animal’, Mr. Vinayak Mainkar of ‘Gou-raksha Samiti’, besides Raju Malavade, Santosh Danekar, Vinayak Sawant and other workers were present on the occasion. (Congratulations to all workers who made efforts to save cows! Other Hindus should also extend help in such activities rather than just being onlookers as it will revive Hindu Dharma ! – Editor SP)

When Pro-Hindu activists enquired about the owner of the cows tied to a tree; but nobody came forward to claim ownership. The activists, therefore, sought advice of ‘Market Yard Committee’ and released the cows. They then started taking the cows away from the market; but many butchers present in the market charged on the pro-Hindu activists and opposed them to carry the cows. Many activists gathered in the market. Considering the seriousness of the situation, pro-Hindu activists called up police. When police reached the place of incident, nobody came forward to take ownership of the cows; therefore, the activists, with the help of police, took the cows to animal sanctuary.

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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