Satara (Maharashtra) : Mr. Vijay Jagannath Bhise, a devout Hindu helped to catch a truck carrying 5 bulls and 4 buffalos to Sadarbazar slaughter house on Sunday night. (Congratulations to Mr. Vijay Bhise, a devout Hindu for helping to catch a truck carrying animals ! – Editor SP)
Mr. Bhise (Res. Nagewadi, Tal. Satara) noted while passing through a tunnel that legs of animals were hanging out of a truck. He had a doubt that there were cows in the truck; therefore, he tried to stop the truck; but the truck driver did not stop. (Since the driver didn’t stop the truck, possibility of animals being taken for slaughtering seemed to be high. – Editor SP) Mr. Bhise, therefore, brought his two-wheeler right in front of the truck and forced the driver to stop his truck. Police rushed to the place of incident on being informed and took the truck into custody for inquiry. It has been stated by the police sources that the bulls seemed to be used for farming and were not bought. (In that case, why the truck-driver didn’t stop when Mr. Bhise tried to stop him? – Editor SP)
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat