Propagation of Christianity at Kelus (Dist. Sindhudurga)
Kudal (Dist. Sindhudurga, Maharashtra) : Conversion is the visible effect of lack of pride among Hindus towards their Dharma. Giving up one’s religion and adopting other Dharma is like inviting death and Hindus should realize this. Swatantryaveer Savarkar had said that ‘conversion to another religion results in conversion of nationality; therefore, conversion and ‘love jihad’ are not calamities related to religion but are dangers to even national security.’ The above views were expressed by Mr. Rajendra Patil of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) in his guidance held at Sri Vitthal Temple, Kelus, Kalvi Bunder in Vengurle taluka in a program held on conversions.
Few days back, Christian missionaries had distributed booklets and pamphlets with titles as ‘Good news creating joy in everyone’, ‘New contract’, ‘Do you know that God loves you?’ and ‘’Walking on the path of peace towards God’. Few devout Hindus informed members of Hindu Janajagaruti Samiti about distribution of such pamphlets; therefore, to create awareness among Hindus towards conversions, the said program was organized.
In India, nearly 8 to 10 lakh Hindus convert to Buddhism, Islam or Christianity. If this goes on, after 100 years, Hindu Dharma will become a past like the condition of Parsi Sect today. Despite Hindus being in majority in Hindustan, due to policy of secularism, Hindus lost pride in their Dharma. This resulted in their falling prey to western culture of materialistic enjoyment. Therefore, non-Hindus increased their mission of conversions. There is need to impart ‘Dharmashikshan’ to Hindus, inculcate culture, moral values in young children, oppose, in lawful manner, programs held for conversion, etc., said Mr. Patil. Later, the participants expressed satisfaction about the guidance on conversions. A CD was also shown with the help of on laptop in the program about attacks on Hindu Dharma. Many people purchased book on ‘Conversion’ and ‘love jihad’ sponsored by HJS.
Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat