Online seminar of doctors held by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) !

Participation by eminent doctors from Mumbai, Thane, Raigad, Palghar districts and Gujarat

Spiritual causes should also be considered while treating for any ailment including Corona ! – Dr. Jyoti Kale, Sanatan Sanstha  

Mumbai : The whole world has been affected because of the Corona pandemic. The second wave of Corona hit immediately after the first wave and it has created havoc everywhere. Now, a new disease has been found which is caused by fungus. There is a likelihood of the third wave of Corona hitting us. There are also natural calamities striking us in the form of cyclones and floods etc. People are dying during treatment even when medicines, oxygen, vaccines etc are available. At many places, it has been found that along with local administrations, even doctors are feeling helpless. As physical and mental causes are examined while treating any ailment including Corona, it is necessary to consider even spiritual causes of these ailments and spiritual remedies like chanting God’s name etc should also be followed, along with taking necessary care and medical treatment. Doctors treating Corona patients are going through immense tension and fear of getting infected besides infecting their family members. It is a big challenge for doctors to remain calm and stable in this situation. ‘Ashtang Sadhana’ and giving auto-suggestions to the mind can help in facing this situation. The above views were expressed by Dr. Jyoti Kale of Sanatan Sanstha. She was speaking in the online seminar recently conducted by HJS for doctors. Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, the State Coordinator of HJS for Maharashtra and Chhattisgad spoke on the topic of ‘The present situation of society, nation and Dharma and contribution of doctors’.

Many eminent doctors from Mumbai, Thane, Raigad, Palghar districts and Gujarat had joined this seminar. Good response was received from doctors to this online seminar. Dr. Sonali Bhat, Dr. Sunita Salunkhe, ‘Vaidya’ Gauri Nargunde-Dubale narrated their experiences of undertaking spiritual practice and following the process of removal of personality defects and ego along with their experiences of treating patients. In the last session of the seminar, many participating doctors expressed their views as doctors on how they can contribute in the activities related to protection of nation and Dharma and taking actions to stop attacks on nation and Dharma taking place through various means. Dr. Ramakant Yadav, Dr. Gautam Pathak, Dr. Chirag Modi and Dr. Santosh Jalukar said that their doubts were clarified and they also registered their opinion on the prevailing situation.

Dr. Mamata Desai of Sanatan Sanstha did compeering of this seminar.

Where is the equality mentioned in the Constitution in secular Bharat? – Sunil Ghanavat, HJS- State Coordinator, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh

1.Many doctors, who had joined the special seminars and have been listening to regular ‘satsangs’ held by HJS, are now regularly undertaking spiritual practice; but along with this, they also need to be aware of the discrimination faced by Hindus in Bharat.

2.There is no restriction on minorities to impart education related to their religion to their people as per Articles 28 and 29 of the Constitution of this country; but under Article 30, there are restrictions on Hindus to impart education to their people related to their Dharma. Interests of minorities are taken care of in Bharat but majority population is deprived of the same. Is this supposed to be equality?

3. Today, people from other countries are adopting Sanatan culture but teaching ‘Bhagavat Geeta’, the holy scripture of Hindus in schools of Bharat, doesn’t fit into the so-called equality talked about in our Constitution. We should understand these facts and make a demand to change this situation.

Experiences narrated by doctors

Dr. Sonali Bhat, Thane : We doctors work on physical and mental health of people; but I had only heard about spiritual health. I obtained its knowledge in this seminar. It is necessary to increase the ‘Sattva’ component in us for spiritual health for which it is necessary to remove defects in us. It is possible only when we would follow the process of removal of personality defects and ego as explained by ‘Paratpar’ Guru. Dr. Athavale. It is therefore necessary that every house should have books published by Sanatan Sanstha on such subjects.

Vaidya Gauri Nargunde-Dubale, Mumbai : Every person has personality defects to some extent. These defects create sorrow in our life. We will certainly benefit if we follow the process of removal of personality defects and ego as advised in this ‘satsang’.

Dr. Sunita Salunkhe, Thane : I used to get a lot of thoughts earlier which used to affect my concentration. I started doing ‘sadhana’ as told in these seminars. It increased my enthusiasm and I could chant with concentration. Later, all unnecessary thoughts were also stopped. It benefited me in working at home, so also, in the medical field while handling patients.

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