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HJS call youth to oust ‘Valentine Day’

Magh Krushna Dwitiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5113


Panaji (Goa) : Focussing their attention on only materialistic development while dreaming about making Bharat a ‘Super Power’, the so called Secular rulers have completely neglected our culture. As a result of this, youth of this country is keen on following the western culture like ‘Valentine Day’ forgetting great Bharatiya culture. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) is calling upon the youth to oust Western ‘Valentine Day’ which ruins their morality and be proud of their own mother tongue, Nation and Dharma. This call is given by HJS in order to dissuade the youth from celebrating the ‘Valentine Day’ on 14th February.

On this day, young girls and boys exchange flowers and gifts with one another as a symbol of love. A kind of perversity is noticed among the youth on this Day.

Who is Valentine?

Saint Claudius (2nd) was a king of Rome about 1750 years ago. With a view to strengthen his army he gave a call to all the youth to join the army. He even made it compulsory for them to join the army, thinking that if they marry then they would be busy with their household and that would obstruct their love and duty towards their country; so he forced them not to marry. The people of the country did not appreciate this decision much. One of them was Christian priest, ‘Saint Valentine’. He rebelled against the king’s order. He instigated the youth against the king. Finally the king imprisoned him and gave a punishment to hang him. While in jail he was in love with the jailor’s daughter. Valentine who had renounced all worldly things to become a priest, was himself got lured by the young daughter of the jailor. ‘Valentine Day’ is celebrated in his memory. Bharatiyas feel great by celebrating averse western days like ‘Valentine Day’ due to slavery to westerners. The fact is that in many western countries ‘Valentine Day’ is not celebrated at all. Not only is this, but while publishing the revised calendar of the Roman Catholic Saints in general, ‘Valentine Day’ omitted in it. If this is so then why should it be given so much importance in Bharat? Religious festivals, vowed religious observances (Vrat-Vaikalye) which have originated through Bharat’s glorious culture have no parallel.

There is science behind each festival. The sages and mendicants have written down in scriptures, how to celebrate each festival, what are its physical, mental and spiritual benefits etc. Many have attained glory by celebrating them even now. By following our culture we enhance good qualities and at the same time remove our personality defects. We imbibe Values. On the whole Bharatiya culture, celebrations of these festivals are beneficial to whole humanity. The youth should keep before them Hindu National leaders as their ideal and they should try to celebrate their Birth and Death Anniversaries, thereby imbibing their qualities. It is everyone’s duty to protect our culture and Nation from such western perverse attacks.

Source : From our Correspondent

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