Balia: The grave issue of ‘terrorism’ is now not only restricted to the security of India but it has also become a challenge to its very existence. The problem has become complicated because of utter neglect by the rulers, political experts and intellectuals in the country. Overall, if we observe the problems, the only solution appears to be establishment of Righteousness. The above statement was made by Prof.(Dr.) Nand Kishore in the national conference held on ‘Terrorism: Attitude and Condition’. He was talking on the topic of ‘Terrorism: Problem and Solution’.
He said that while taking into account the power of our armed forces and economy in the context of national security, we can not ignore the character and moral values. In this connection, best example is of dissolution of Russia. Despite spending so much on armed forces, USA does not consider itself as a secure country. Compared to 1947, India is more insecure today. He said that Indian rulers have become helpless before terrorists. Indian rulers appear to think about everything on the earth except national security.
Terrorist attacking Indian Parliament House is not yet hanged despite court’s verdict. There is a talk of giving a ticket to notorious mafia don Abu Salem to contest elections from Uttar Pradesh. When Dr. Ambedkar’s statue is damaged, his followers create havoc and the country loses crores of rupees. Everyday about 6000 Bangaladeshis are crossing our borders. The indecent picture of Bharatmata drawn by MF Hussain is openly auctioned. All these instances show deterioration of our political morality. Concluding his speech, Dr. Nand Kishore said that the Indian citizens have become indifferent to all the problems. Dharma/ Righteousness is the soul of a nation. Without Dharma, the value of the nation is zero. In the present time, the only solution seems to be revolution and re-establishment of righteousness and moral values.
Source: ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’