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Positive response by sculptors to create Ganesh idols as per the spiritual science



Phalgun Shukla 5, Kaliyug Varsha 5113Amravati (Maharashtra) : In recent times one can see Ganesh idols in various forms and costumes in the society. Lack of education in righteousness ,focus  only upon creativity and modern lifestyle has encouraged the society to indulge in such activities. Customer requirements dictate the type of supply. Hence the sculptors forget the spiritual science while creating the idols. A number of sculptors expressed the opinion that they would like to sculpt Ganesh idols from the spiritual science point of view.

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti approached to few sculptors and made a request  to sculpt Ganesh idols with pipeclay and as per the spiritual science . The sculptors gave a positive response to this request.

On behalf of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti Mrs. Pallavi Hambarde, Mrs. Bela Chavan, Mrs. Mrs. Chaya Tavlare, Mrs. Abhayankar, and Mrs. Rekha Malpani contacted the sculptors and explained the righteous science to them.




Comments of Sculptors  :


  • Mr. Dinesh Tembre, Youth Chairman, Murtikar Sanghatana – We will create awareness in the society for this.
  • Mr. Shankarrao Munde and Mr. Badrinarayan Gorle, Sculptors – We also feel that the idols should be made with pipeclay; but sculpt idols from ‘plaster of Paris’ as per the demand from society. The suitable form of pipeclay is not available in Amravati.
  •  Mr. Ravi Chilhorkar, Sculptor – It is necessary to sculpt idols from the spiritual science point of view. Henceforth we will engage in chanting while sculpting idols !

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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