Phalgun Krushna 12, Kaliyug Varsha 5113
Kolkata : Agniveer welcomes 75 brothers and sisters who formally resolved to promote Vedic Dharma/ Hinduism in an Agniveer sponsored historic event function organized in Kolkata on Jan 29, 2012. These people, who so far considered themselves as only Mohammedans, have decided to now consider entire humanity as their own family regardless of religion,cast or cult and embrace Vedas.
In this touching event, these brothers and sisters recited Vedic mantras, adopted Janeu (sacred thread) and performed Yajna to affirm their resolve to live with spirit of equality, rationality and compassion henceforth. So the foolish dogma of birth-based casteism was also destroyed totally with these people embracing the noble Brahmin status, by their deeds and personal preference. And rest of the society embracing them as Brahmins with open arms.
We thank every individual and organization that Contributed in this noble effort that was organized in most adverse circumstances due to unfriendly social and political environment. To have a wave of Hinduism in West Bengal under current circumstances is an historicachievement in itself and all credit goes to these selfless individuals and organizations who worked relentlessly to work out this miracle and set precedence for more in the toughest location for success of such activities.
This event was in continuation of other events in UP and Delhi/NCR and brings total number of Muslims and Christians coming back to Hinduism in Agniveer events since Dec 25, 2012 to more than 3700. More are expected to happen in near future.
Source : Haindavya Keralam