Congress Govt. will lose power if it passed Anti-Hindu ‘Anti-superstition Bill’ !

Phalgun Krushna 12, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

Mumbai  : We are of the opinion that superstitions should be eradicated; but the Government has not defined ‘Shraddha (faith)’ and ‘andh-shraddha (superstition)’ in the proposed Act which is associated with religious sentiments; therefore, there is no clarity. The issue has not been discussed with Dharmacharyas or  Saints. If the Government tries to pass this Act on the basis of its power, it will be opposed. In the recently held elections in five States, Congress has been badly defeated.

If this Act is passed in a hurry in Maharashtra; then Congress will lose as there is a huge Hindu vote bank in the State. The above strong warning was given to the State Government by Anant Sri Vibhushit Jagatguru Ramanandacharya Swami Sri Narendracharya Maharaj of Sree Sampradaya from Sri-kshetra Nanij during a recent ‘darshan’ ceremony.

He was talking to the reporters during ‘Darshan’ ceremony held at Yashawant Bhavan, near Deepak Theatre in Lower Parel. A delegation of H.B.P. Bapu Maharaj Raokar of National Warakari Sena met Maharaj in connection with the proposed anti-superstitions Act. A representation opposing the said Act was submitted to Maharaj with a request for participation of seekers of Sree Sampradaya in the agitation scheduled to be staged on 21st March at Azad Maidan in Mumbai. Maharaj responded positively to the request and bestowed His blessings.

Answers given by Maharaj to the queries made by journalists on the occasion –

1.Q: What will you do if the Act is passed by the Government on the basis of majority?

A: Indian Constitution has given us freedom to follow any religion. The Government cannot go against this freedom. There is still democracy in this country and not dictatorship. If Maharashtra Government ignores and passes the Act on the basis of majority, agitation will be organized in democratic manner against the same. There is Central Government and Supreme Court above the State Government. They will be approached to seek justice.

2.Q: The Government claims that it has approval of everyone; is nobody against the Act?

A: The Government should declare with whom it has discussed the issue. If any Act involving religious matters is to be passed, the procedure should be followed as prescribed in Dharma; their views should be taken into consideration; but the Government has not discussed the matter with us.

3.Q: Is there a need for law to eradicate superstitions?

A: The present Indian Penal Code is adequate; it needs to be used. Eradication of superstitions can be achieved by creating awareness among people rather than passing laws. There is a law against taking dowry and ban on liquor; but have these practices been eradicated?; therefore, Maharashtra Government should impart education about Dharma in schools-colleges; so that the superstitions would not grow. There has to be blend of Dharma, spirituality and science. Followers of other religions learn about their Dharma in their schools and colleges; but why Hindus should not be taught their Dharma? Srimat Bhagavat geeta and spirituality should be taught in schools.

4.Q: Are there any new efforts undertaken to unite Hindus?

A: Anti-superstitions Act is not the only attack on Dharma; but there are many attacks like taking over management of temples Act, conversion of Hindus etc. The Government is trying to divide Hindus so that they do not unite; it is trying to divide Warakari Sampradaya. Similarly, many people are doing something for Dharma separately; therefore, it is not effective. We are now taking initiative to even unite Warakaris. I have contacted many people; soon a meeting of chief ‘Maharaj’ from all Warakari sects will be held at Sri-kshetra Nanij. Everyone will be brought together for protection of Dharma.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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