Chaitra Krushna 8,Kaliyug Varsha 5114
Hindus should know that there is never any incident involving destruction of a mosque or a church !
Faridabad (Haryana) : The Municipal Corporation of Faridabad has destroyed a Hindu temple on Sohana Road near a nullah at Mujjesar. The enraged Hindus therefore, took out a march to the head office of the Municiapl Corporation and demanded for re-construction of the temple. (Hindus should not just stop at making such demand; but should keep the agitation going till the temple is re-constructed. If the temple is not re-constructed, they should teach a lesson to anti-Hindu municipal councilors of the Corporation in the elections and by uniting, create a pressure-group so as to avoid recurrence of such incidents in future ! – Editor SP)
A representation with the above demands was submitted to the Municipal Commissioner, Mr. D. Suresh and Deputy Mayor, Mukesh Sharma. Mr. Sharma assured people that the temple would be re-constructed in the same place. (If the temple is going to remain in the same place; why was it destroyed in the first place? Had there been a mosque, would the Municiapl Corporation dare to destroy the same? – Editor SP)
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat