Chaitra Krushna 14, Kaliyug Varsha 5114
Nagpur (Maharashtra) : In the present budgetary session, anti-superstitions Bill, if presented, will be strongly opposed. The above resolve was voiced by BJP MLAs from Nagpur and Chandrapur. (Congratulations to BJP MLAs from Nagpur and Chandrapur who have come forward for protection of Hindu Dharma ! – Editor SP)
Recently, BJP MLAs viz. Mr. Krushna Khopde, Mr. Vikas Kumbhare from Nagpur and Mr. Nana Shyamkule from Chandrapur were paid a visit by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) activists and a representation, along with booklets against anti-superstitions bill, were submitted to them. Mr. Shyamkule said that only Hindus are targeted through this Act. Mr. Kumbhare said that if I did not apply ‘tila’ on my forehead before leaving the house, I feel something amiss and sometimes, such day does not pass favourably. Applying ‘tila’ is therefore, my faith. HJS activists viz. Mr. Dilip Pagnis, Ashok Likhite and Subhash Zanvar were present on the occasion.
Source : Daily Sanatan Prabhat