Bangalore : Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda on Monday announced Rs one crore for Shivaji Jayanti celebrations, and Rs 50 lakh for the development of the Kshatriya Maratha Parishat.
Addressing the gathering during the Shivaji Jayanti celebrations organised by the Kannada and Culture department, Gowda said that for the last few years, there has been an atmosphere of hatred on the pretext of language in Belgaum.
“But, efforts are being made to solve this problem. Fortunately, the Marathi-speaking people here are co-existing with Kannadigas,” he said.
He said that countrywide, the thrust was on regional languages. But at the same time, one should not forget nationalism. He said terrorism, naxalism, religious conversions and cow slaughter were widespread, and efforts should be made to overcome them. Gowda said Shivaji Jayanti should be celebrated in all the states.
Source : Deccan Herald