Vaishakh Shukla 11, Kaliyug Varsha 5114
Devout Hindus are protesting lawfully on following Contact details: Address : Online Skateboard Store
98 Atlantic Blvd.,Satellite Beach, Florida 32937 United States Telephone : 321-557-2309 (USA) Email address : (Jonoboyer) (Online Stakeboard Store Complaint Link ) :
From our correspondent
Devout Hindus can directly register their protest through the comments section at the bottom of this page. Please select option ‘Share my opinion with concerned authorities ‘ before submitting your comment .
Products with distroted pictures of Shri Ganesh
Below are the links to access the products of websites denigrating Shri Ganesh–1DSHO0GANE77500.html
Appeal to Hindus to Protest against denigration of Shri Ganesh
Hindus around the world need to carry out strong protest against this outright denigration of Shri Ganesh as it is our duty towards Dharma to eliminate ignorance and evil thoughts of artists who defame the Hindu deities with these kind of products which will ruin the faith of Hindus.
Zazzle, Jonoboyer and Online Stakeboard Store portals should note that businesses should handle faiths with utmost care and sensitivity and should not reshape the religious concepts merely to fulfill their financial greed. It is not at all acceptable to Hindus to sell products with distroted pictures of Shri Ganesh to solidify company/products base in the growing economy.
Shri Ganesh is a greatly revered and His worship is very popular among Hindus and there are numerous temples dedicated around the world. Hinduism is the oldest and third largest religion of the world with about one billion adherents.
All these three shopping portals should immediately withdraw all such products showing some “responsibility” to its hurt Hindu customers worldwide. Moreover they should create a high-level check system so that denigrations like this did not happen in the future. Meanwhile Hindus all over world should boycott products and services of these three shopping portals till the time they don’t withdraw denigrating products of Shri Ganesh and apologize to Hindus.
Source : Our Correspondent
Protest letter sent by devout Hindu against Websites selling Skateboard, Mouse pads, Iphone covers with Lord Ganesh pictures
I am shocked to see the picture of god Shree Ganesh printed on the Skateboard, Mouse pads, Iphone covers. I strongly protest against selling these products. It is Humiliating to the Hindus. Here are the links of the products from your website.
As you know deity Shree Ganesh is revered all over the world by Hindus as Bestower of wisdom and knowledge. We Hindus worship him with faith and devotion by maintaining at most sanctity. We never keep him close to our feet, we always place the deity’s picture on altar and offer our prayers. Humanizing Lord Ganesh in fancy way for your materialistic goals through these products is denigration of Sanatan Dharma(Hinduism).
I request you to please read this article by David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) why one should maintain distance from sacred at this link
If anything considered as sacred treated in this manner is insult to all the followers of Hinduism and it is a sinful act. Please do some research before you deal with anyone faith. I sincerely request you to remove all the products with deity shree Ganesh images from the website,stop making them again. Send apologies for hurting our religious sentiments.
On Behalf of Hindus
Srinivas Shakelly