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Karnataka : HJS participates in ‘Chitra-raths (Floats)’ procession during Shivjayanti festival

Vaishakh Shukla 12, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

From our correspondent

Belgaum (Karnataka) : Like every year, this year also, Shiva-jayanti festival was celebrated with traditional ‘Chitra-rath’ procession in Belgaum. The procession started with ‘puja’ of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s ‘palakhi’. Mr. Deepak Dalvi, the President of ‘Madhyavarti Shivajayanti Utsav Mandal’ garlanded the picture of Shivaji Maharaj and breaking ‘sreephal (coconut)’ inaugurated the procession.

Many incidents from biography of Shivaji Maharaj were depicted on ‘floats’. Some of the festival committees had shown incidents that depicted similarity with the period of Shivaji Maharaj and current affairs like border dispute, corruption, condition of Hindus etc. There were even live ‘floats’ on these topics. With the procession, therefore, it was felt as if period of Shivaji Maharaj had once again befallen on Belgaum. People were acclaiming Shivaji Maharaj, there was display of outdoor games and demonstration inspiring people. There was very good response to the procession from people of all age groups.


  • ’Kshatrageets’ played on Chitra-rath had good effect on people.
  • Thoughts written on display boards motivated people.
  • Some citizens said that HJS was doing very good and effective work

Responses to short play

  • Mr. Jayant Mode, Kelkar Baug, Belgaum : This play is very effective and doing valuable task of awakening Hindus. The topic makes one realize the present situation and what Hindus need to do. Importance of unity among Hindus is also understood and it gives goose pimples, is very lively.
  • Mr. Madhu Chougule, Belgaum : This short play creates awareness about ‘love jihad’ very nicely; it is very good; gives information on Hindu Nation. This country has to become a Hindu Nation.

Feedback from few devout Hindus who became active immediately after seeing the ‘Chitra-rath’  

  •  Felt very sad to know that there is not a single Hindu nation in the world. – Mr. Rohit (He has given his contact No. and shown interest in taking part in HJS activities.)
  •  Mr. Parashuram Kakatkar was so impressed with the play that he has decided to stage it at his native place.
  •  Some devout Hindus registered their names for joining the chain sending SMS.


  •  At some places, policemen were forcing to take the ‘Chitra-rath’ ahead even before, enactment of the scene could be completed.
  •  Local cable operators telecast the whole procession directly for convenience of the local residents.  

Special references

  • Through the Cell set up for direct telecast by ‘Sri Varadraj cable Network’, Belgaum, appeal was made to people on loudspeakers for purchase of books on ‘Conversion’ and ‘Love jihad’.
  • BJP had set up special Cells for felicitation of all ‘Chitra-raths’ and through these Cells also, announcements were made giving information about the books for purchase. Mr. Girish Kulkarni accepted the felicitation on behalf of HJS for its ‘Chitra-rath’.

Participation of HJS

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) also presented ‘Chitra-rath’ in this procession. A short play was staged depicting Shivaji Maharaj’s meeting with Samartha Ramdas Swami. In their dialogues, current position of Hindus was described. A display board was put up on this ‘float’ appealing people to prepare for establishment of Hindu nation and explaining importance of spiritual practice. A board giving details of number of Hindu Nations among Nations of the world following various religions was drawing attention of everyone. In the procession, books published by HJS on conversion and ‘love jihad’ were distributed. This also received good response from people.

Many dignitaries like Superintendent of Police, Mr. Sandip Patil, District Collector, Mr. Ambukumar, Forest Development Corporation’s President, Mr. Shankargauda Patil and advocate Jirali etc. paid visit to the HJS ‘float’ and commended HJS activities. 

Source : Our Correspondent

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