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Honoring Muslims and Insulting Hindus is the secularism of Congress Government !

Vaishakh Krushna 2, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

By Advocate Yashawant Phadanis

During her regime as the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi planted a sapling of ‘secularism’ and fulfilled the dream of Jawaharlal Nehru. The 42nd amendment of the Indian Constitution was proved to be for throttling of democratic freedom and basic rights conferred by the Constitution. The writer of the article has tried to illustrate the worthlessness of secularism and its use for appeasement of Muslims, by giving examples.

1. Futility of secularism in Indian Constitution !

In the year 1976, former Congress Prime Minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi imposed emergency on this country and gave birth to the concept of secularism imported by her father Jawaharlal Nehru. The 42nd amendment of the Indian Constitution proved to be throttling of democratic freedom of people and their basic rights conferred by the Constitution. In our cultured land, such imported sapling was not at all necessary and there is no need for it even now. Therefore, this concept was also not included by the creators of the Constitution in the year 1950. Hindu Dharma sown in this land basically teaches to respect all. It is very unfortunate that the secularism, brought in from the countries in Europe or even any of the countries in the world, has not been included is in their Constitution.    

2. Deliberate apathy of secular Government towards ‘Common Civil Rights’ prescribed in the Constitution !

On one hand, make claims about secularism of religions and Sects and on the other hand, follow separate personal laws meant for every religion and sect, is the secularism of this country! There is Hindu law for Hindus, Mohammedan Law for Muslims besides independent laws for Christians and Parsees followed even today in this country. The ‘Common Civil Rights’ ‘clause 44’ of the Constitution is still catching dust. The Supreme Court has given orders in 6-7 cases from Shaha Bano case for adopting ‘Common Civil Rights’ Act; even then, all the ‘secular’ Governments that ruled over this country so far, right from the Government of Narasimha rao, are showing deliberate apathy towards this issue; only for the (vote bank) politics ! 

3. Few examples of ill effects of secularism

Since adoption of secularism, its adverse effects are being experienced, more severely day by day, of this concept. The series of events can be briefly explained in the following manner.

  • 3.A.  To conduct a survey on Muslims in armed forces, is a danger for security arrangements ! : The ruling Congress Government at the Centre issued order to conduct survey of Muslims in all 3 armed forces. Sacchar Committee was set up and its report also made this clear. Army Chief General J J Singh, who had complete knowledge of the issue as related to national identity, expressed opposition considering the likely danger for the security of the country.
  • 3.B. Public auction of Hindus’ religious sentiments :   Anti-national painter M F Husain not only hurt religious sentiments of Hindus by drawing indecent and nude pictures of Deities like Sri Saraswati, Sri Vishnu, Sri Lakshmi, Prabhu Sriram, Seeta, Hanuman; but he also drew nude picture of ‘Bharatmata’ and kept it on sale for helping earthquake – stricken people of Kashmir.
  • 3.c. Govt. deliberately overlooks terrorist outrage of Muslims’ religious sentiments : A Muslim minister named Mohammad Yakub Qureshi from Uttar Pradesh declared an award of Rs. 51 crores and same amount of gold for killing the person who drew a caricature of Prophet Mohammad and published it in a newspaper from Denmark. The chief Imam Bukhari of Delhi’s Jama Masjid made an open appeal to Muslims for taking to the roads in protest against insult of Prophet Mohammad. As a result, Muslims took out protest marches at many places becoming violent and leading to arson; destroying Hindus’ properties looting them. The Central Government and Mulayam Singh (Khan) of Uttar Pradesh, however, overlooked such anti-national terrorist activities.(Ref. Dharmabhaskar, March 2012)   

Indira Gandhi’s kowtowing to Muslims and Muslim nations displaying their hatred by insulting India!

‘During the regime of Indira Gandhi as the Prime Minister, Yashwantrao Chavan issued a ‘fatwa’ that ‘Muslims should be recruited in armed forces in proportionate to their population’. This was strongly opposed throughout the country. Around this time, a conference of 37 Muslim countries was held at ‘Rabat’. India was not invited as it was not a Muslim country; even then, Indira Gandhi sent the then Industry Minister, Fakruddin Ali Mohammad (who was later appointed as the President of India) as Indian representative to that conference; but only because he was a representative of Bharat, he was not offered even water in the Muslim conference although he was a Muslim. He was deliberately insulted; but Indira Gandhi’s Congress Government did not feel either ashamed or bad about this incident.’ (Ref. Dharmabhaskar, March 2012)   

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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