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Nehru Govt’s conspiracy to implicate Savarkar in Gandhi assassination and crush pro-Hindu movement

Vaishakh Krushna Shashthi, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

‘Nathuram Godse assassinated Gandhiji on 30th January 1948 at New Delhi. Nehru Government had made a plan to implicate , at any cost, Swatantryaveer Savarkar in this assassination and crush the growing pro-Hindu movement. A list of ploys hatched by the Government is published here.

1. Nehru Govt. safely sets up a speial Court for the case of Gandhi assassination and implements a very oppressive Act known as ‘Mumbai Public Security Act’ to Delhi region with retrospective effect.

It is not considered to be ethical to implement any Act with retrospective effect; but Nehru Government implemented ‘Mumbai Public Security Act’ to Delhi with effect from 2nd February 1948 and issued an order on the same dayfor the purpose. The change was made only for the purpose of ‘Gandhi assassination’ case. Whenever the British set up special Courts during the Second World War; the Congress leaders created a racket about it; but for Gandhi assassination case, the Nehru Government very safely set up special Court.

2. Nature of ‘Mumbai Public Security (MPS)’ Act

 MPS Act was a very oppressing type of Law. There was no provision for appointing juries. The time limit for appeal was also only 15 days. (In other cases, it is 60 days.) Under this Act, punishment for the offence of even attempt of murder is death punishment or life imprisonment. There is a big difference in the language of law between ‘to hatch a plot to kill and to aid in the attempt of murder’. Under the law, hatching a plot to kill is a very serious crime and it can also draw a very stringent punishment. It is comparatively easier to prove the allegation of hatching plot for murder.

3. Nehru-Patel wanted to implicate, by hook or by crook, Swa. Savarkar in the case of Gandhi assassination

Nehru and Patel were bent upon implicating Swa. Savarkar in the case and Patel had accordingly, instructed police to hold investigations in connection with the conspiracy of assassination. It was informed by the chief Government pleader Mr. Duftry to M. B. Maniar, the advocate of Gopal Godse that ‘Nehru had insisted about Savarkar’s being proved as accused in this case and his being hanged.’ Unfortunately, neither Duftry nor Maniar made any affidavit about the same.

4. Swa. Savarkar was not provided security during the arson and riots which took place after Gandhi assassination

4.a. No police arrangement : Mr. Morarji Desai (the then Home Minister of Mumbai State) had kept a watch on Swa. Savarkar; but he did not provide security to Savarkar for protecting him from the unruly mob during arson after the assassination.

4.b. Appa Kasar, Swa. Savarkar’s bodyguard oppressed inhumanly : Not only this, Appa Kasar, the bodyguard of Swa. Savarkar was also arrested and shifted and police tortured him brutally so that he would give evidence against Savarkar. Nails of his hands and tows were pulled out.   

4.c. When the enraged mob attacked, there was only a stick for protection and Narayanrao Savarkar, the younger brother of Swa. Savarkar succumbed to his injuries during the attack : Enraged mob attacked Savarkar’s house when Balarao Savarkar, Bhaskar Shinde and Tendulkar faced the mob with the help of sticks; but Dr. Narayanrao Savarkar, the younger brother of Swatantryaveer was seriously injured and later died on 19th October 1949.

5. After arrest, Savarkar was not allowed to meet his wife and only son for 46 days

At the time of assassination of Gandhi, Savarkar was 64 years old. He was sick and bed ridden throughout the year before this incident. He was arrested on 5th February 1948 but till 23rd March i.e. for 46 days, he was not allowed to meet his wife or his only son.

6. There was not slightest evidence against Savarkar; but under the bullying tactics of one person (Nehru), the whole cabinet of ministers had to bow

Dr. Babasaheb Amdebkar was Law and Justice Minister in the Central Government. He secretly met Savarkar’s advocate Mr. L. B. Bhopatkar and expressed concern about Savarkar. He said, “There is not slightest evidence against Savarkar; but all ministers have to bow before the bullying tactics of one person (Nehru).” He also gave an indication that Nehru Government would go to any extent to implicate Savarkar.

7. Witnesses brutally tortured and lured to fight the case and the Judge given reward for the same

All evidence presented by the Government side was based on half truth told by the witnesses as they were brutally tortured and lured to make up the false story. Justice Atmacharan, however, showed complete faith in Government witnesses. He was duly rewarded for his cooperation as even before the Gandhi assassination case was concluded, Nehru Government appointed Justice Atmacharan as judicial commissioner of Ajmer-Marwad (Yerwada) region. Justice Atmacharan sentenced all accused in the case with punishments like life imprisonment, death sentence etc. except Savarkar.

8. Swa. Savarkar’s harassment continued despite his acquittal in the case

8.a.  Permission not granted for celebrating acquittal of Savarkar : The verdict of Gandhi assassination case was declared on 10th February 1949. Savarkar was acquitted as innocent without any blemish; but Nehru – Patel Government refused to grant permission to celebrate acquittal of Savarkar in public manner; therefore, he was not allowed to leave Red Fort area in Delhi by the Delhi magistrate despite his acquittal.

8.b. Banishment order issued and Swa. Savarkar taken under tight security to his residence in Mumbai by police :  Within few hours, an order was issued banishing Savarkar from Delhi and he was banned from going to Delhi in the following 3 months. Later, he was taken to his residence in Mumbai under tight police security.

8.c. Despite his acquittal, order to reimbursement expenses for the case was not issued : Swa. Savarkar was acquitted in this case but Justice Atmacharan did not issue any order to reimburse Swa. Savarkar for the expenses incurred towards the case. Swa. Savarkar had to spend Rs. 50,000/- in those days to fight this case.”

(Biography of Veer Savarkar 1947 to 66, page 299)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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