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Indonesia : Hindu Groups slam Trans TV over ‘Naughty Puppet’ show

Vaishakh Krushna 13,Kaliyug Varsha 5114

Jakarta (Indonesia) : Hindu organizations have demanded an apology from Trans TV for allegedly insulting religious teachings in its “Wayang Bandel” program and urged the broadcaster to change the show’s name.

Shri I Gusti Ngurah Arya Wedakarna M.W. Suyasa III, the chairman of the Hindu Center of

Indonesia, said the show used characters and places mentioned in the Mahabarata, the Hindu epic from the holy book of veda that is considered sacred by 1.1 billion Hindus worldwide, including some 13.5 million in Indonesia.

“The holy book is always recited in religious ceremonies in places of worship, so no party should ever make fun of it because it could incite religious conflict and mar the purity and the image of the Mahabarata,” Arya said on Tuesday.

He also called on the actors involved in the May 12 episode of the program to give a public apology.

Deepa Devi, a representative of the World Hindu Youth Organization, called on Trans TV not to let the incident occur again. “We respect other religions, so respect our religion, too,” he said.

The Hindu Center contends that Trans TV insulted some of the holiest characters from the Mahabarata by using crude language and inappropriate characterizations of them. It says the episode also contained a scene that was not in line with the teachings of the Mahabarata and that went against wider Hindu teaching.

It also claims that the program’s title of “Wayang Bandel” (“Naughty Puppet”) degrades the age-old wayang tradition.

“In the lives of some Indonesians, especially in Java and Bali, wayangs are considered sacred,” Arya said.

The characters come from Hindu legend, and Hindu is an official religion in the Republic of Indonesia.

He called on Trans TV to consult with Hindu authorities if it wanted to produce future programs related to Hindu teachings and values.

Source : Jakarta Globe


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