HJS : An organisation that is leading in preventing distortion of history



  • Fight against the distortion of history in school textbooks and the success attained
  • Distortion of history through plays and films, fight against this distortion and the success attained
  • Attempt to tell the society the true history, thereby put a stop to its distortion
  • Future course of action against distortion


     History is not just a sequence of events from the past. In fact, it is a guiding light of inspiration in our future sojourn. If history is impressed upon the mind of the society by falsifying and distorting it, then the harm to the Nation and Dharma will be irreparable. A systematic plot to create a weak and characterless future generation of Hindus has been in operation in Bharat since the British times. The education sector has been a major target of this plot. HJS has been continuously opposing distortion of history with the help of like-minded organisations. Today I will narrate some related experiences.

1. Fight against the distortion of history in school textbooks and the success attained

Some organisations such as ‘National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT)’ involved in preparing nationwide school-curriculum, some schools and Educational Boards of various States present anti-Hindu and distorted history to their students. The main aim of all people who are involved in distortion of history is not to allow awakening of the pride amongst Hindus. They resort to measures such as glorifying Muslim aggressors who looted Bharat in every way, insulting revolutionaries and demeaning kings like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, who was instrumental in building Bharat. HJS is staging agitations against all such Educational Boards. I am going to tell you about some agitations conducted and the success achieved against ‘NCERT’ in four States – Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

To begin with, here are some examples from ‘NCERT’ curriculum
1. Babur, the Mughal emperor was ‘virtuous’.
2. Akbar (who was anti-Hindu and had committed enormous atrocities on Hindus and defiled thousands of Hindu women) was a ‘Great ruler’ and a ‘secular’ king.
3. Shahjahan, who demolished ‘Tejomahalay’ (Deity Shiva’s temple) and built ‘Taj Mahal’ in its place and also ransacked several Hindu temples, is also glorified in ‘NCERT’ books. 

Let us now see the efforts made by HJS in various States for exclusion of such distorted history from the texts and inclusion of genuine history.

1A. Maharashtra : In the history textbook for the seventh standard published by ‘NCERT’, the glorious history of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is mentioned in only 4 lines and that too without his picture. In contrast, 60 pages have been devoted to the history of Mughal aggressors who not only looted Bharat of its wealth, but also tried to destroy Hindu culture. When HJS came to know of this, a combined rally by HJS, Varkari Sampradaya and Sanatan Sanstha was organised, and it marched to Maharashtra Legislative Assembly to ‘awaken’ the elected representatives. The Government took no notice of these efforts; all the same, HJS continues to follow the issue closely and continues to keep the issue alive through the medium of various agitations.

1B. Goa : HJS began its State-wide agitation in Goa (At the same time as in Maharashtra) by submitting a memorandum to the Goa Government for changing the ‘NCERT’ textbook that distorted history. It united the office-bearers of various organisations, headmasters, teachers, parents, students, educationists, followers of history etc. and began its State-wide agitation in Goa on 1.4.2009 by issuing a warning to the Government, administration and the Goa Secondary Education Board.

Members of Marathi Rajyabhasha Prasthapan Samiti, Shiv Sena, Divya Jagruti Trust and Hindu Mahasabha also joined the agitation. After a sustained agitation spread over 8 months, Goa Secondary Education Board decided to omit the two lessons containing glorification of Mughals from the said textbook and include lessons on Goa’s history. Though ‘NCERT’ textbooks are published by the Central Government, every State Government has the right to alter 20 percent of the matter. The decision by Goa Government was based on this right. HJS has put forth several demands like ‘the students should be given full information on Chhatrapati Shivaji’s mission’, ‘NCERT’ textbooks should be re-checked from the perspective of exclusion of distorted history’ and ‘National song ‘Vande Mataram’ should be included in every textbook’. Needless to say, HJS is keenly following these demands.

1 C. Other States : HJS launched similar agitations in some Districts of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. In Karnataka, meetings with historians were also arranged in connection with the agitations. Still there are many States where the distorted history provided by ‘NCERT’ is being taught. We have put in collective efforts to change that.

2.  Distortion of history through plays and films, fight against this distortion and the success attained

2 A. Protest against ‘Jodha-Akbar’ : HJS launched widespread agitation against the film ‘Jodha-Akbar’ that glorified the cruel and womanizer king Akbar. He was in fact responsible for the self-immolation of hundreds of Hindu women who did not want to be harmed by him. As part of the agitation, a complaint was first lodged with the ‘Indian Film Censor Board’ against the film. Thereafter, HJS delegations met theatre-owners at various places and requested them not to screen the film. Besides, the local Rajput community was also alerted, which then joined the agitation. A number of theatres cancelled shows of the film, while at many places, people refrained from watching the film after being educated by HJS volunteers on the issue.

2 B. ‘Sons of Babur’ :
Central Law and Minorities Minister Salman Khurshid has written a play ‘Sons of Babur’, which has been staged by a troupe. This play is about glorification of Mughal Emperor Babur. HJS protested against this play at various places. Despite protests, this play was staged in Goa amidst tight Police security. When HJS received information that the play was to be held in Rashtrapati Bhavan during the course of Governors’ Conference, it sent a letter to the President requesting her to cancel the show. While taking cognizance of the opposition from HJS, the Delhi Police tried to understand HJS’ intent. ‘Sudarshan’ channel from Delhi highlighted the issue and conveyed HJS’ intent to all viewers. This play, which was to be staged in Mumbai’s ‘ISKCON’ temple, was cancelled following protests by HJS.

3. Attempt to tell the society the true history, thereby put a stop to its distortion

3 A. Commemorating birth and death anniversaries of revolutionaries, national leaders and spread their life-histories through such programs : HJS takes initiative in collecting citizens around the memorials of revolutionaries on their anniversaries and hold a commemoration. Local people are educated on the importance of such memorials and their maintenance. Similarly, anniversaries of revolutionaries are also commemorated in schools, thereby making efforts to enhance patriotism in the students. Life-history of revolutionaries and national figures is also spread through lectures, exhibitions and pamphlets. Besides, Dharmashakti Sena is also active in awakening recollections of the sacrifices of revolutionaries and national figures through articles in newspapers.

4. Future course of action against distortion

This agitation against distortion will continue incessantly with the help of other organisations. However, there are so many States in Bharat where HJS is not able to reach due to lack of manpower. Hence, HJS humbly requests all participating organisations from different parts of Bharat to come forward to stop this distortion of history in the respective States. HJS will supply you with all necessary material and the exhibition material prepared by HJS unconditionally. We are sure, that as a result of our combined efforts, Hindu society will realise the harm caused by distortions of our history and protest against it in its own way during the coming years.

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