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Effective unity of Hindus will certainly establish the Hindu Rashtra ! – Dr. Neel Madhav Das, President, Tarun Hindu

Jyeshtha Krushna 7, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

While addressing the Convention Dr. Neel Madhav Das, President, Tarun Hindu, Jharkhand said, ‘Swami Vivekananda had said, “Give me just 20 devout activists and I shall be able to take Hindu Dharma all over the world.” Even today we need such activists. An effective unity of these activists will surely establish the Hindu Rashtra.

The President of secular US takes an oath by going to Church before taking over the reins of President. The Christian priests give them a sermon. The Parliamentary session there begins with recitation of messages from Bible. The Prime Minister of England is always a Christian and never from any other religion. Besides India and Nepal every country in the world has the influence of some or the other religion on its affairs.

The Christians all over the world accept the message sent from Vatican City. Muslims too have such powerful organisation. In that context, Hindus do not have their effective organisation.  The word ‘Secular’ has been deliberately pushed in the Indian constitution.

Dr. Neel Madhav Das, President, Tarun Hindu, Jharkhand addressing the Convention

Dr. Neel Madhav Das, President, Tarun Hindu, Jharkhand addressing the Convention

Sixty-five long years post-Independence and there has not been a single decision of Hindu interest. Therefore, establishment of Hindu Rashtra has become essential.

Swami Vivekananda and Maharshi Yogi Aurobindo had said that ‘Hinduism and Nationalism are not two different concepts.’ Therefore, Dharma s well as the culture of the Nation should be founded on Hindu Dharma. Only then Hindus will become competent from the political, social, economical and religious perspective’.

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