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Swamy links spread of terrorism to graft

Jyeshtha Krushna 12, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

Janata Party president attributes all major problems of the country to lack of able leadership

The country has been facing a leadership crisis and it needs a decision-maker who can take risks to overcome the challenges like terrorism and corruption, Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy said. They have become major threats to the country’s development, he said.

Delivering a talk on “India in crisis: How do we save our nation?” here on Thursday, Dr. Swamy attributed all major problems of the country to lack of able leadership.

“If the present crises are managed properly, no crisis will stare at the country for the next many years,” he felt.

Calls for tough line

He linked the spread of terrorism to corruption of our politicians as one of the major reasons.

“Those in power can’t take tough decisions as they keep their huge ill-gotten money in other countries through Dubai-based ‘hawala’ operations which are controlled by Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI),” he said.

Dr. Swamy suggested the country’s leadership to take a tough line, know the objectives of terror organisations trying to destabilise us and retaliate.

“Retaliation is the only way to handle and root out terrorism from the country as they don’t understand any other language,” he noted.

‘Cancel mining licences’

On corruption, Dr. Swamy said it could be stopped by cancelling all licences given for exploitation of mineral resources, utilising spectrum and others.

As a signatory to the 2005-UN resolution on black money, the country could nationalise bank accounts of Indians in 77 countries where secret banking was allowed to bring back Rs. 70 lakh crore kept there. By doing this, people could avoid paying taxes for 14 years, he said.

War with Pakistan

Asserting that a war with Pakistan was certain in future he predicted that along with Afghanistan it would be taken over by Taliban sooner than later and India should be ready to split Pakistan into four. Stating that change was on the way, Dr. Swamy noted that it could start with A.P.J. Abdul Kalam becoming President again.

Source : The Hindu

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