Ashadh Krushna 4, Kaliyug Varsha 5114
Anti-Dharma ‘Karnataka Komu Sauhard Vedike (KKSV)’ spits venom on Sanatan Sanstha !
In the press conference, KKSV also alleged that ‘On 10th February, KKSV and few other ‘human rights’ organizations had submitted a representation to the State Governor and President of National Minority Commission demanding that they should pay attention to the rising communalism and communal disharmony in undivided South Canara District and take necessary action.
It was also demanded that the undivided South Canara District should be declared as sensitive zone applying Prime Minister’s ‘15-point program’; but that did not receive positive response; therefore, such misdeeds are going on in undivided South Canara District and the minority population is living under terror and fear. The attacks on ‘Holy Hill’ and armed attack at Jeppu, Kaaladka and Kottara by the so-called ‘guards’ of culture and cow-saviours are recent examples of the same. (Has anyone ever heard about Hindus attacking minority population? If Hindus were really aggressive, will organizations like KKSV dare to make such allegations? In fact, KKSV has never said anything about attacks by minorities on Hindus through ‘love jihad’, conversions, cow-slaughtering, attacks on processions taken out by Hindus etc. How can such organizations protect human rights? – Editor SP) Police also stand for these ‘Dharmarakshak’, ‘Sanskruti-rakshak’ and Gou-rakshak (Protectors of Dharma, culture, cows).’
In a circular issued by KKSV, it has been stated :
1. Sanatan Sanstha dares to hold lecture on this topic at a well known Law College. The same organisation was selling spiritual books, material provoking communalism, Hindu Nation almanac and periodical ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ at Mangaluru and other places in the district through its vehicle but police did not take any action even in this matter. (Sanatan Sanstha is a Government- approved voluntary organisation and carries on all activities in lawful manner. Sale of books on spirituality and other products is one of its projects; therefore, there is no question of police and administration taking any action against Sanatan ! – Editor SP)
2. Maoists carrying on activities in jungles are called anti-nationals and are shot wherever they are seen. Activists like Dr. Vinayak Sen, K K Shahina, Soni Sori, Seema Azad fighting for human rights are killed. (Maoists, who kill innocent people and police, are considered as nationalists and protectors of human rights by KKSV; but organisation working for protection of Nation and Dharma, like Sanatan, is branded as anti-national. Hindus should note the so-called patriotism of KKSV ! – Editor SP)
3. Here, cases are filed against reporters for treason. At the same time, look at the method of inquiry and overall policy about pro-Hindu activists, who follow the path of violence for achieving their goal of establishment of Hindu Nation; it stinks of bias. We want to ask the Government, is it not an anti-national act to fight in cities for establishment of Nation based on Dharma, showing hatred towards communal values and going against the Constitution? (The Constitution has conferred right to every citizen to follow and propagate his Dharma and the activity of Sanatan is going on as per this right. KKSV, therefore, need not have objection as Muslims and Christians. Hindus have never converted followers of other religions like Muslims and Christians do ! – Editor SP)
Says, it is ‘saffronisation’ of police department in South Canara District !
In Karnataka State, ‘saffronisation’ of police department is taking place. People are, however, not ready to listen although we try to explain to them. Police Department showed advertisement of RSS for one year on their website. It was criticized through the press conference that police department had thus shown favoritism.
There is no question of establishment of Hindu Nation being ultra-vires of the Constitution, because
- a. In the original Constitution written by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, there was no mention about secularism. The word was incorporated by Indira Gandhi by amending the Constitution.
- b. The standpoint of Indira Gandhi was against democracy. All activities related to establishment of Hindu Nation would be in the interest of the Nation and no activity will be against the Constitution.
- c. In Indian Constitution, there are many provisions which are against Hindus; therefore, Hindus cannot claim that the Constitution is fully acceptable to them. It is necessary to bring in many changes in the Constitution in the interest of Hindus and the country.
- d. The Constitution written by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar confers right to Hindus to have their opinion and to express it; therefore, propagation of the concept of Hindu nation is a right conferred by the Constitution to Hindus. – Editor SP
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat