Anti-superstitions Bill will be passed during monsoon session ! : Maharashtra CM

Ashadh Krushna 7, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

Mumbai : All the objections to the proposed anti-superstitions Bill have been withdrawn. Discussions held with Warakari Sects and organizations that were opposing the Bill, have led to unanimity on the subject; as such, the Act will be passed in the forthcoming monsoon session, informed Mr. Pruthvirj Chavan, the State Chief Minister (CM) in a press conference. (CM Chavan is lying ! In the history of Maharashtra, there was never a CM who told such lies ! Many pro-Hindu organizations and Warakari Sects have been opposing this Act for past so many years. On the day of ‘Ashadhi Ekadashi’, Warakaris gave a representation to the CM opposing the said Act; still he says that Warakaris have now agreed unanimously. Hindus should unite and take such CM to task in lawful manner and make the representative elected from their constituency to oppose the Bill ! – Editor SP) On the eve of the monsoon session of State Legislative Assembly, CM Chavan was addressing press conference. Dy. CM Ajit Pawar and Mr. Harshavardhan Patil, Minister for Assembly affairs were also present on the occasion.

The reporter of ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat (DSP)’ asked following questions opposing the Act.

1.  ‘The proposed anti-superstitions Act is strongly opposed by Warakari Sect, many Saints and religious organizations. Members of Warakari Sect had opposed you at the ‘puja’ performed on behalf of the Government. Why then the Government wants to pass this anti-superstitions Bill?

2.  When the existing laws are adequate to handle cases of superstitions, where is the need for a new Act? On this CM Chavan gave the above misleading answer. (This Act is opposed by Warakari Sects, religious organizations and many Saints. Even then, instead of discussing the same with ‘Dharmacharyas’, Shankaracharya etc., the CM is pushing the Bill further for passing under pressure brought by few atheists like ANiS members; thus the CM is betraying religious citizens of this State. Hindus should unite to teach a lesson to such Government and strongly oppose this Bill ! – Editor SP)

CM misleads religious citizens and Warakaris !

On such misleading answer given by the CM, the reporter of DSP asked, “Even now, Warakari Sect severely opposes this anti-superstitions Act and has declared in a press conference to stage huge agitations on 12th July at Mumbai and continue to oppose till cancellation of the Bill.” The CM then said, “Objections raised by anyone will be removed after discussions when the Bill is presented in the monsoon session and everyone will be given enough chance to discuss their views.”

O Hindus, pro-Hindu organizations and Warakari Sampradaya will hold demonstrations at Azad Maidan in Mumbai on 12th July, so join them in large numbers !

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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