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How can Pakistan’s claim that Mumbai attackers were helped by 40 Indians be wrong ?

Ashadh Krushna 11, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

Method of police to get confessions from criminals

Police obtain confession when an accused involved in some crime is nabbed. We all know how it is done. They sling the accused in tyre and beat him, or hang him upside down and fumigate by burning chilli powder or hit him on sole of his foot etc. They beat him in such manner that there is no wound and blood; but they make him confess to his crime. Some times, innocent person also goes through this. Police judgement could go wrong in some case but have you ever seen a police inspector bowing before and behaving respectfully with a criminal? When confession is to be taken, the conversation starts with kicks.


Spineless Chidambaram    

Like a spineless, foolish person, Indian Home Minister, Chidambaram is asking Pakistan to confess to their involvement in 26/11 attack. Israel never asked Palestinians to confess in such manner. Except USA, all other countries follow the norm of non-interference in internal affairs of each other. If a neighbour plays mischief, the concerned Government gives reply. If some person from our country causes harm to other country, he is handed over to that country. Countries like Libya, Egypt caught hold of terrorists and handed them over to USA. Terrorist Abu Salem was caught in Portugal and was handed over to us.

Pak’s double standard

Pakistan is the only country in the world that shows to be friendly at Government level and acts like a foe at civil level. Pakistan is following this double standard policy even with the country on its western border i.e. Afghanistan. It shows cordial relations with Kabul and extends all help to Talibanis.  There is now anarchy in Afghanistan owing to this double standard policy crossing all limits. Parvez Musharrf has expressed possibility of change of rule and the country getting taken over by the Military. One Prime Minister had to leave for not taking action on charges of corruption leveled against the President Zaradari whereas the second one was thrown out by the Court even before he could take oath. Now, the third one is appointed. Soon, the court will even knock him down. When the internal problems have reached its peak in Pakistan, our Chidambaram Sir is requesting Pakistan to admit (to its mistake). Is this ignorance or madness?   

Chidambaram putting an act of obtaining confession from Pakistan

When Abu Jindal from Gevarai was nabbed, involvement of Pakistan was exposed. It has been exposed even earlier through the confessions of Kasab and Hadlee. It is a different matter that Paksitan will never accept its mistake; but suppose, Pakistan does accept its mistake as demanded by Chidmabaram, what difference is it going to make? Firm military action, stopping ‘Samjhauta’ Express, stopping Shrinagar – Muzaffarbad bus service, re-calling its envoy or cutting off all political relations; is our Government going to do any of the above things? Why then such farce of obtaining admission to crime? Chidambaram should remember that such farce can boomrang and put him in trouble.  

Anti-national attitude of Chidambaram and Sharad Pawar to brand Hindus as ‘terrorists’

Earlier, we alleged that Pakistan’s army participated in terrorist activities carried on in India. At the same time, with an eye on the ‘vote bank’, we arrested Lt. Col. Prasad Purohit for his so-called involvement in ‘Samjhauta Express’ blast. Not a single proof could be found even after 4 years against him. In the bargain, however, we offered a point to Pakistan by using the term ‘Hindu terrorism’ and Pakistan could claim that ‘like your Col. was involved in terrorism, there might be a possibility of involvement of our armyman.’ Chidambaram devised a word ‘Hindu terrorism’ for political gains. Sharad Pawar went even one step further and gave an amazing reaction after arrest of ‘Sadhvi’ that ‘now bomb blast in our country would stop’; which meant that all the bomb blasts occurring before Malegaon blast were carried out by Hindus; then why are you asking for admission by Pakistan? There is lack of even average intelligence to think that their statements can put them in trouble.

Suspicious burial of 9 terrorists from 26/11 attack  

As Chidambaram asked for acceptance by Pakistan, Pakistan argued that there were 40 Indians involved in 26/11 attack. Can our Government dare to refute this charge? Who were the 9 persons with Kasab, why their identity was not disclosed? Why their bodies were not handed over to ‘Red Cross’ if they were Pakistanis? Had Pakistan refused to accept, the bodies could have been thrown in the sea like Laden’s. But no such thing was done and their burial was arranged in an undisclosed place because they were Indians. When Mr. Narendra Modi, the Gujarat Chief Minister paid a visit after 26/11 attack, he had said that it was not possible without the help of local terrorists; but he was criticized at that time and today, his doubt has come true.  

Indian Muslims assist Pakistan’s terrorist activities from Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, Abu Salem, Mohammad Afzal to Gevrai’s Abu Jindal, all are Indians except Kasab. If terrorists are coming up from places like Hotgi and Udgir, is it our mistake or the mistake of Pakistan? The other day, a Muslim youth was caught trying to use a fake Rs. 500/- note in Akkalkot. He was from Gevarai. Earlier, another youth was caught trying to use fake Rs. 1000/- notes at Naldurga. Pakistan may be printing Indian currency; but aren’t our local persons only using them? Huge ammunition was brought to Verul from Pakistan via Nepal. How did it reach here? Was it possible without the help of local people?

There are no anti-nationals among Sikhs !  

Terrorism was at its peak during the decade 1980-1990 in Punjab. Few pro-Khalistan people were killing innocent citizens with the help of Pakistan every day. Everyday, 10-15 persons used to be killed. Chief Minister Beant Singh, IGP Atwal and even TV telecasters were their victims. The TV telecasters were killed because although they were instructed to refer to terrorists as ‘Khadaku (freedom fighters)’, they referred to them as terrorists while reading the news.  In such Punjab, is there any sign of terrorism today? It happened because the local citizens did not at all support such violence. There was anger about firing at ‘Akaal Takht’; but Sikhs never thought of treason. As a result, Pakistan’s desire to take revenge of East Pakistan remained unfulfilled.

Govt. policy responsible to incite Muslim sentiments

New chapter of terrorism was opened in this country with the fall of Babri mosque. Originally, it was ‘Ram-janmabhoomi’; on which Muslims erected mosque by force. Why this history was overlooked by the Government? This has been now accepted by the Supreme Court; but from the year 1993, while harassing pro-Hindu organizations on ‘Babri’ issue, the Government did not realize that the feeling of injustice by demolishing mosque among Muslims gave birth to Muslim terrorism. The Government ignored Gujarat riots, genocide of ‘Karsevaks’ and concentrated on riots that took place later; there also, the Government was responsible to provoke Muslim youth. Pakistan will naturally take advantage of such foolishness, for votes, by our Government as it is our enemy country and its behaviour with us is like any enemy country. There was no need to hold discussions at the level of Secretaries of Foreign Ministries. Pakistani Secretary visited India but he first went to meet the dissident groups in Kashmir valley. That time only, we should have cancelled the discussions; but we don’t have guts; we can only talk.

Is it the same country that caught 90,000 Pakistani soldiers by forcing entry in that country?

Pakistan’s view is that ‘Azad Kashmir’ is an independent country. Why can’t we destroy terrorist camps of ‘Lashkar-e-Toyba’, ‘Jaish-e-Mohammad’ in Pak-occupied Kashmir and kill few hundred terrorists? We should stop these camps if Pakistan wants to continue to operate them. Such indifference of India, makes one feel that ‘Is it the same Bharat that caught 90,000 soldiers of Pakistan by forcing its entry in East Pakistan in 1971?’ When Pakistan claimed involvement of 40 Indians in Mumbai attack, we ridiculed the claim; but can we say with full belief that out of 120 crores Indians, there is not a single Indian who is not pro-Pakistani?  

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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