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Aamir Khan’s insolence has now crossed all limits

Shravan Shukla 11, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

There is communalism even in Muslim sect. Ajfal and Arjal are taking out protest marches demanding reservation. Muslims have been extended facilities four times more as ‘minority’ than the facilities extended to Buddhists, Sikhs, Parsis and Jain; even then such is the condition. Aamir khan is discussing systems followed in other Dharma without cleaning his own dirty house. Now see his real nature and decide for yourself whether ‘Satyamev Jayate’ and his films should be appreciated.

By Mr. Arun Ramteerthkar, Senior Journalist, Solapur

‘Satyamev Jayate’ program exhibits Islamic mentality of Aamir khan !

On ‘Doordarshan’ and other 4-5 channels, Aamir khan’s ‘Satyamev Jayate’ program is being telecast every Sunday for the past few weeks. This is the only program which is shown on many channels on the same day. As if that was not enough, his interviews are being telecast in between two Sundays. Newspapers have also been praising this program. Of course, the popularity of this show cannot be compared with the popularity of serials like ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’; but it is true that currently, ‘Satyamev Jayate’ has turned out to be much appreciated program than other programs. The program telecast on last Sunday i.e. on 8th July indicates that this Khan is also saying ‘My name is Khan’. In earlier programs, there was stupidity; but this shade was not there. Now, after gaining popularity, he is showing off his nails. Earlier, one program was based on medical profession. The malpractices in the profession were shown when topic of ‘generic’ medicines was also discussed.

Why should one spend money and watch mockery of his own Dharma ?   

I have not actually watched any part; but one Khan had earlier insulted our festival of ‘Rakshabandhan’ by saying that “Pati to pati nahi to bandhi raakhi (if a girl cannot be wooed, make her a sister)’. Another Khan had hurt sentiments of Christians by connecting ‘urinating’ and church. None of the Khans has guts to make mockery of a single thing from their own religion. Why should then we spend money and watch mockery of our own Dharma? It was, therefore, certain that Aamir khan’s ‘Satyamev Jayate’ would eventually come down on Hindu Dharma and therefore, I avoided to watch the program; but while surfing on another day to see what programs were going on other channels, I happened to see Aamir khan’s interview when point of generic medicines was being discussed.

Many dangers in using generic medicines

The Health Minister of Maharashtra declared, before a fortnight, that ‘use of generic medicines would be started immediately in Government hospitals. It turned out to be a matter of just patting own back. ‘generic’ means the basic element in medicines available in the markets. Pharmaceutical companies spend lot of money to find that element and then manufacture it in the form of pills, liquids or medicines; it is then given a name, tax is levied and considering its potential to earn profits, it is marketed. It is of course, costly than the basic element. When I talked to a renowned doctor about the same, I got new points. Pharmaceutical companies earn lot of profit. The solution to this is putting curbs and not using ‘generic medicines’ because duplicate medicines under the name of ‘Bombay medicines’ are sold in the market using the name of famous companies as also the names of original medicines. There is patent, name but still such duplicity is found. There is no name as such to the ‘generic’ medicines. One cannot know whether it is the element or not. The cost of the medicine will definitely be low but the chances of duplicity will be ten times more and it will be like palying with the life of patients. Even then ‘stupid’ Aamir khan was insisting on use of ‘generic’ medicines. None of the States has started use of these medicines because of the risks involved.

Those who want to eradicate communalism, are branded as ‘communalists’ !

I was angry after watching the 8th July episode. This part was on the ‘Jaativyavastha’ in Hindu Dharma. I am not saying that there is no ‘Jaativyavastha’. It is now decreasing with policy of treating ‘untouchability’ as an offence, to have basic right of starting any business and reservation. It is an atrocity. It is reducing in cities. Earlier, boards used to be displayed in hotels that ‘Entry will not be restricted based on religion, caste, gender etc.’ Now, such boards are not seen. This psychology will be seen even in rural parts after some time and Hindus are only active and making attempts for this to happen. Had Aamir khan been honest to the topic selected, he would have invited representatives of RSS and Shiv Sena who have made honest efforts to eradicate casteism. It was, however, not possible because those who are trying to eradicate communalism are only branded as ‘communalists’ and those who play politics with the help of Muslims, Christians, Yadavs, Thakurs, Rajputs, Coormis, Meena, Nayar and Nadar etc. to create rift amongst people, are called as ‘progressive’ and ‘secular’. Aamir khan knew this; therefore, he called such samples. 

…..and switched off TV !

I received a call at 9.30 p.m. and was advised to see that day’s episode, therefore, I watched. A woman who did not look a bit like ‘Dalit’ was narrating how injustice was done to her due to her being ‘Dalit’. The way she was dressed, she looked educated and from quite affluent family. She must have known that if someone refused water, legal action can be taken against such person. After one ‘Dalit’, one Brahmin was called, retired Judge Chandrashekhar Dharmadhikari ! Unfrotunately, people with the names like ‘Dharmadhikari’, ‘Saptarshi’, ‘Shastri’ are only heretics. My Lord, what bravery did you exhibit? How many Brahmins like you or Lingayat should I show who not only eat meat but eat even ‘10’ no. meat that too on ‘Sankashti Chaturthi’! It is an old complaint that Brahmins and Lingayats are responsible for increase in prices of ‘mutton’. My Lord, you have given up your ‘Brahmanya’, is that some kind of bravery? Do you even know the duties and responsibilities of being a Brahmin? My Lord uttered this sentence and Aamir khan started clapping with overjoy. I was waiting to hear if he was going to say that ‘like you, I have also given up reading ‘namaz’. He, however, said no such thing and I switched off my TV.

…then Aamir khan would not have been alive even for a day !   

Hindus and Buddhists can point fingers at ‘casteism’ in Hindu Dharma; but who has given this right to Khan? While pointing fingers at other Dharma, Aamir khan is hiding facts from his religion as same things are practiced even in his religion. Isn’t there Ashraf (high caste), Ajlaf (Low caste), Arjal (still lower caste) in his religion? If casteism was only in Hindu Dharma, why 24 castes like Ansari, Hajam, Darjee, Bagwan, Tamboli, Attar, Qureshi, Manyar, Shikalgar, Fakir, Mujawar are included in OBC (other backward classes)? Why one State Government felt the need to reserve ‘sub-quota’ under ‘’quota’? Aamir khan, at least say that reports by Rajendra Sachhar, Rangnath Misra are complete falsehood or accept that there is casteism even in Muslims like Hindu Dharma. Aamir khan, you will not do either, because there are limits to your bravery. Nobody needs courage to criticize Hindu Dharma. ‘Dharmadhikari’ talked and Amir clapped; nobody would ask Dharmadhikari that why he said such things; but had Aamir khan said that he didn’t read ‘namaz’, he would not have been left alive even for 24 hours. There is casteism in Muslim Sect.  Ajlaf and Arjal take out march demanding reservation.  

His home is still dirty !

Muslims have been extended facilities four times more as ‘minority’ than the facilities extended to Buddhists, Sikhs, Parsis and Jain; even then such is the condition. Aamir khan is discussing systems followed in other Dharma without cleaning his own dirty house. Now see his real nature and decide for yourself whether ‘Satyamev Jayate’ and his films should be appreciated.

Source : Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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