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Narendra Modi, Baba Ramdev and Anna

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By Mr. Arun Ramteerthakar (senior journalist, Solapur, Maharashtra)

It is quite natural that Congressmen and socialists get hiccups on hearing Narendra Modi’s name; but same is the case with Anna’s group which is surprising. Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh got angry when they saw Modi- Baba Ramdev sharing the stage. Wht is the opinion of Anna? Has Anna’s group become secular ?

Modi’s critics also get publicity due to him

Narendra Modi is such a personality that he is becoming more famous and popular with increasing criticism. Other people try hard to get publicity; but Narendrabhai has to never bother about these things. Even now, if one is asked to name 4 Chief Ministers in this country, one would take Modi’s name first. In fact, other people get publicity due to him. One of them is Teesta Setalvad, a liar and brainless woman. She has earned lot of publicity by going against Modi stooping to any level. The name Teesta Setalvad would have never been published in newspapers if it was related to intelligence. There is one politician named Shahid Siddiqui who has entered and left almost every political party except BJP. It is said that he was on the way of joining BJP. The father of this Siddiqui started a newspaper named ‘Nai Duniya’ which is presently looked after by Shahid. This newspaper is sold in 3-4 States in North India. It was in fact known to very few people. Shahid, however, interviewed Narendra Modi and published this interview. Now the name of the newspaper has become famous all over India. This interview resulted in ousting of Shahid from Socialist Party. (Hail freedom of newspapers!)

Why Team Anna disproving of Yogarushi Baba Ramdev and Modi’s coming together?

Vijay Darda is a Congress MP. He shared stage with Modi in one program organized by Jain community at Ahmedabad. Baba Ramdev was also there. In his speech, Mr. Darda described Mr. Modi as ‘the Lion of Gujarat’; now Congress has issued him a ‘show cause’ notice. Under RTI, it is now known to everyone that Mr. Darda has misused funds by him as a MP. Congress and Parliament should have first asked explanation about the same; but this serious issue was not paid attention and they preferred to tell what Baba Ramdev should do. Anna Hazare’s ‘Lokpal Bill’ is a matter of controversy. 

Ruling Congress and BJP have distinct opinions on rights to be conferred on Lokpal. There is no doubt that corruption needs to be eradicated; but there are different opinions on the manner in which it should be done. The issue taken up by Baba Ramdev of black money held by Indians in foreign banks is very important and it is undoubtedly related to welfare of the country. Considering the interest of our country, passing or non-passing of ‘Lokpal’ Bill is not going to affect life of an Indian in any manner. If, however, the black money lying in foreign banks is brought back in the country, it will bring prosperity to this country; there will be no poor person and this is very important. Those, who don’t like Baba Ramdev’s saffron robes or presence of Sadhvi Rhutambara on stage or Baba Ramdev’s presence at Modi’s programs, should keep away from the movement undertaken by Baba Ramdev. If Anna’s group decided to keep away from Baba Ramdev, Anna Hazare should take such decision. People want that Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev should jointly undertake movement for Lokpal and black money; but Congress doesn’t want that to happen. It is a different matter if Kejriwal also feels the same. The decision should, however, be taken by Anna Hazare. He is quite flexible. He raised slogans of ‘Vande Mataram’ on the stage; but it was objected to. It was then insisted to raise slogan of ‘Inqualab Zindabaad’. Now, Anna raises slogans like ‘Bharat Maataa ki Jai, Vande Mataram and Inqualab’.

He did not drop the slogan of ‘Vande Mataram’ to appease secularists. Modi is a very competent chief minister with good character; but some people have the habit of calling him ‘corrupt’ and ‘communal’. Congress could not tolerate two good words said about Modi. As a MP, Mr. Darda’s achievements are ‘nil’. The publicity he got by meeting Modi is ten times more than the publicity he got (excluding in his own newspaper) so far. This is the greatness of Modi!

I can understand Congress or socialists’ allergy towards Modi; but team Anna’s dislike for Modi and Baba Ramdev’s sharing stage is beyond comprehension. It is like bringing Mulayam – Sonia and Anna Hazare at the same ideological level. Arvind Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh, team members of Anna have exhibited their pseudo-secualrism like Congress by criticizing Baba Ramdev. Who are this Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh ? Nobody knew them till last August. They came to light only because of Anna’s leadership. Even now, when Kejriwal started hunger strike, nobody turned up at ‘Jantar Mantar’; therefore, Anna had to join him despite keeping ill health. As Anna joined the hunger strike, he drew lot of crowd and Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh felt that they were the crowd-pullers. They, therefore, directly expressed controversial opinions on Modi- Baba Ramdev’s meeting.

Baba Ramdev’s self-illuminated whereas Team Anna depends on others for light

If Kejriwal feels that Baba Ramdev should not be called on stage, he if free to take such decision. Baba Ramdev is not depending on others for illumination. His goal is propagation of ‘Yoga’. ‘Fighting against black money’ is his independent movement. Thousands of people gathered on Ramleela Maidan for Baba Ramdev; he is self-illuminated. Kejriwal is, however, under the illusion that Baba Ramdev got publicity due to him. Anna’s team members are now tired of shouting; but it has not caused any harm to Modi. It is, however, necessary to know whether the arrows from Anna’s camp are fired under Anna’s instructions or not. If Anna feels that Modi is corrupt and communal, he should declare it so that others will be free to re-think about Anna’s movement.

Source : Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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