Shravan Krushna 14, Kaliyug Varsha 5114
Other Hindu organisations should learn a lesson from Shiv Sena !
Mumbai (Maharashtra) : Shiv Sena has filed a suit in Mumbai High Court to issue orders to state Government to take action against beer bars with the names of Deities and also to ban playing patriotic and religious songs in bars. Mr. Sandip Jadhav who is joint secretary of Hindusthan Mathadi Kamgar Sena affiliated to Shiv Sena has filed the suit.
(Congratulations to Mr. Sandip Jadhav for moving the court for denigration of Deities ! The Hindus elsewhere should also follow the ideal of Mr. Jadhav and try to remove the names of Deities given not only to bars but also restaurants, cinema theatres and other objectionable places. If the Hindus are alert like Mr. Jadhav everywhere, it will not take long to stop the denigration and insult of Hindu Deities. – Editor)
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat