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Miraj : HJS felicitates Sudhir Avsare for erecting Shiva-Samartha arch

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Miraj : HJS felicitates Sudhir Avsare for erecting Shiva-Samartha arch

September 26, 2012

No compromise in showing true history of Shiva-Samartha ! – Sudhir Avsare

From Left : H.B.P. Bongale Maharaj; Pu. Dr. Charudatta Pingale; Mr. Sudhir Avsare

From Left : H.B.P. Bongale Maharaj; Pu. Dr. Charudatta Pingale; Mr. Sudhir Avsare

Miraj (Maharashtra) : A meeting did take place between Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Samartha Ramdas Swami. Chhatrapati had become disciple of Samartha is history. There are many proofs available on this matter. Even then, Police objected to the picture displayed on the arch on the basis of one anonymous phone call. I produced all proofs when police took objection; therefore, they had to grant permission for the arch. I did not compromise with anything to show true history of Shiva- Samartha. The above views were expressed by Mr. Sudhir Avsare, the President of ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Chowk Ganeshotsava Mandal’.

 Shri Avsare showed loyalty towards his Dharma despite opposition from Police Administration and ‘Dharma-drohis’. He was firm on displaying picture of Shiva-Samartha on the arch erected on the occasion of Ganesh Festival. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) therefore, felicitated Mr. Avsare. He expressed the above views during the felicitation program. H.B.P. Ramakant Bongale Maharaj, the founder of ‘Sangli Zilha Warakari Sampradaya’, Pu. Dr. Charudatta Pingale, national Guide of HJS and others attended the program.     

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

Fearless Sudhir Avsare presented true history of Shiva-Samartha before people : Mr. Milind Ekbote

September 24, 2012

Miraj (Maharashtra) : ‘By erecting an Arch with picture of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Samartha Ramdas Swami together, Mr. Sudhir Avasare has fearlessly brought forth the true history before people. As an activist of ‘Pratapgad Utsav Samiti’, I will always support you,’ stated Mr. Milind Ekbote of Samasta Hindu Aghadi. The Arch erected by the local ‘Shivaji Chowk Ganeshotsava Mandal (Mandal)’ was inaugurated yetsreday when Mr. Ekbote expressed the above views.

Mr. Ekbote said further that Samartha Ramdas Swami had founded 1100 mutts at various places across the country including Jammu, Kashmir and even Sindh province. He motivated youth from districts of Sangli, Kolhapur, Solapur, Satara etc. to join Army of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj by initiating them to undertake worship of Lord Hanuman. Even today, after Samartha’s guidance given about 350 years ago, the number of youth joining army from these 4 districts is remarkable. Mr. Sudhir Avsare, the President of the ‘Mandal’ gave lecture on the topic of coordination between Shivaji Maharaj and Samartha. The program started with giving salute to the statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

‘Prerana-mantras’ and ‘Mana che Shlok’ were recited after offering coconut to the picture depicting scene of  meeting between Chhatrapati Shivaraya and Samartha Ramdas Swami. Pu. Kaustubh buva Ramdasi of Saint Venaswami Mutt, Mr. Makarand Deshpande, Chairman of Municipal Corporation’s Standing Committee, BJP’s Mr. Omkar Shukla, Mr. Amar Chougule, Manoj Shivagani, Shivkant Parmaj, Shankar Isapure and  other activists were present on the occasion.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

Inauguration of the arch depicting picture of Shiv-Samarth today : Permission granted by police

September 22, 2012

Miraj (Maharashtra) : Inauguration of the arch erected by Chhatrapati Shivaji Ganesh Mandal is going to be held at the hands of Pujya Koustubhbuva Ramdasi and Mr. Milind Ekbote, staunch Hindutvawadi representing all Hindus on the evening of 22nd September. There is a joint picture of Chhtrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Sant Ramdasswami on that arch. In the beginning police did not give permission to erect this arch taking objection, but later they gave permission for that. A notice has been issued stating that the responsibility of any untoward incident will lie on Mr. Avsare.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

History of this country is to be decided by the historians or by police? – Pujya Sunil Chincholkar

September 20, 2012

Police have objected to display of picture that has Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Samartha Ramdas Swami together; put up on an arch at Miraj (Dist. Sangli). In this connection, response given by senior ‘Samartha-devotee’, Pujya Sunil Chincholkar, is given below :

‘All eminent scholars from Maharashtra, who have studied history viz. Mr. Datto Waman Potdar, Shiv-shahir Babasaheb Purandare, Mr. G. H. Khare, Principal Shivajirao Bhosale, Mr. Balshastri Hardas, Ninadrao Bedekar, Shiv-shahir Vijayrao Deshmukh, historian Pandurangrao Balkawade etc., have said that meeting between Chhatrapati Shivaraya and Saint Ramdas Swami did take place. They have also said that Samartha gave spiritual guidance to Chhatrapati. Even then, few anti-Dharma organisations are claiming that such meeting did not take place. Are these organisations have an iota of knowledge and are they capable of arguing with the above scholars? Those making such accusations are doing it only out of their hatred towards other communities.

Who are these people to change true history? In fact, it is the duty of the police that they should curb people who are trying to spread poison of communalism in society. It is the motto of Police Department to protect good and eliminate bad people; but the present situation is completely reverse as Police are harassing good people and letting evil people go scot free; raising a question that who is going to decide about history of this country, historians or Police?

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

Police oppose display of a picture of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Saint Ramdas Swami

September 19, 2012

Police oppose display of a picture of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Saint Ramdas Swami , the duo shown together on an arch : President Sudhir Avasare firm about not removing the picture !

Miraj (Maharashtra) : The local Chhatrapati Shivaji Chowk Ganeshotsava Mandal has erected an arch on the occasion of Ganesha Festival displaying picture of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Saint Ramdas shown together. Police called Mr. Sudhir Avsare, the President of Ganesha Mandal to police station and asked him to remove the picture. (Hindus should note that it has become difficult for them to show or study their true history; therefore, they should now unite to keep alive their glorious valiant history ! – Editor SP) On this, Mr. Avsare firmly said, “You can take action against me; but I will not remove the picture.” (Congratulations to devout Hindu, Mr. Sudhir Avsare for being ready to face action for showing true history !  – Editor SP)
Mr. Avsare was called to the police station in the morning and was told that few people were againt this picture; therefore, he should remove that picture. Mr. Avsare told the police, “Do you have any written complaint against me? If so, please show it to me. I have proof of the truthfulness of this picture; therefore, I will not remove this picture in any case.” Mr. Avsare showed the police the proofs that he had carried. Mr. Avsare said in this connection, “There was a big history behind the said arch established in the year 1954. We have been trying to show picture with historical events through this arch for past number of years.”

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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