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HJS activist handed over a criminal transporting bulls to Police

Ashwin Shukla 1, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

Kokarud (District Sangli, Maharashtra) : Mr. Prasad Kulkarni of Hindu Janjagruti Samiti, Kolhapur had gone to Chandoli with his family on a private work. At that time, he handed over a criminal transporting 3 bullocks, to Police authorities. (Due to Divine base endowed to Hindu Janjagruti Samiti, even a lone activist of Samiti can protect animal of cow lineage. Other Hindus should also start performing spiritual practice ! – Editor SP)

While returning from Chandoli, Mr. Kulkarni suspected about the movement of a tempo bearing No. MH10-Q 786. Mr. Kulkarni stopped the tempo. The driver of this tempo was a non-Hindu. Mr. Kulkarni removed the covering on the back of tempo. He found 3 bullocks literary crowded in a small tempo. Mr. Kulkarni enquired whether the driver possessed a permit to transport animals. He was told that the driver had no such permit. The bullock were to be transported to Kokarud. Mr. Kulkarni insisted that the driver should accompany him to a police station as he was committing a crime. On travelling for some distance, they came across two policemen. Mr. Kulkarni gave them details of the incident and handed over the criminal to the policemen. The police took the driver to the Kokarud Police station for further action.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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