Mumbai : Police inquire about ‘Sanatan Bharatiya Sanskruti Sanstha’ and HJS

Ashwin Shukla 5, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

Instead of wasting time in making inquiries about patriots and devotees of Dharma, if Police authorities had made inquiries about terrorist, the terrorism in the country would have been long eliminated !

Mumbai : Under the pretext of collecting information about the earlier office of ‘Sanatan Bharatiya Sanskruti Sanstha’, an organisation engaged in propagation of Spirituality, housed in ‘Sion Cosmopolitan Housing Society’, the police have made inquiries twice in last 15 days. (While local police has been regularly collecting information about this office, police are wasting their time by repeating the same activities. Instead, if they concentrate more over law and order situation in the city, common public will be able to lead carefree life ! – Editor)

During this exercise, police also inquired about the whereabouts of H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale. (It is an open secret that H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale resides in Ramnathi, Goa, and this fact is being constantly published in Daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat’. Despite this, making such inquiries means deliberate torture of Sanatan by police ! – Editor SP) On 16th October 2012, police have inquired with a seeker in Margao about the printing press of ‘Sanatan Bharatiya Sanskruti Sanstha’ situated at Nessai (Margao). During this inquiry, they collected information about, since how long the printing press is closed, who are deputed to look after the printing press. (The printing press of Sanstha is owned by Sanstha. Sanstha is free to decide when to close the press and when to start it. How police are concerned about it ? Sanstha has informed that it is seeking legal advice against such police inquiries ! – Editor SP)

Inquiries about Coordinators of ‘Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’ in Maharashtra 

Mumbai : During this week, police have made inquiries of few Coordinators of ‘Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’ in Maharashtra. Most of these inquiries were conducted by police on visiting residences of Coordinators. In few districts, police collected the addresses of district coordinators, whereas in some places police visited the homes of district coordinators and tried to take their photographs. (The Samiti has informed that they are taking advice from legal experts about taking legal action against police for making such inquiries despite not committing any criminal act or by not seeking any legal permission to undertake such inquiries ! – Editor SP)

Police have arrested and registered crime against only 58 persons out of 50,000 fanatics and anti-nationals engaged in riots in Azad Maidan, Mumbai on 11th August 2012. After that, not a single rioter was arrested. On the contrary, Police have approached the court for releasing of 5 of those arrested and released them as per court order. Similarly, police have not made any inquiries with Heads of Raza Academy, the organisers of the procession at Azad Maidan.

The police authorities who take no action against those causing riot for the sake of anti-national infiltrators and intimidating common public by causing loss to the public property worth crores of rupees, and against anti-nationas making violent attacks on police personnel, are making inquiries about nation-lovers and devotees of Dharma such as ‘Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’ and ‘Sanatan Bharatiya Sanskruti Sanstha’.

Police are making inquiries about Sanatan seekers at various places. The news about these inquiries should be promptly sent to nearest office of Daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat’.

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Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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