Ratnagiri : Hindu activists take out a rally to protest against cow slaughter

Ashwin Krushnapaksha 4, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

cow slaughter will not stop till such Govt. is elected which cares for cows ! – advocate Manoj Raicha, VHP

Hindus should become active and fight in lawful manner, to permanently solve the problem of cow slaughter; besides establishment of Hindu Rashtra !

Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) : In the year 1995 when there was the Government of BJP- Shiv Sena alliance, draft of law banning cow slaughter was prepared; but later, in Congress Government, Anis Ahmad was the Minister of the Department for preservation of animals who threw away the draft of the law. Congress Government with the Minister, who is a meat-eater, cannot pass a law for protection of cows. Police, who were helping for protection of cows, during the regime of alliance, are now performing the role of silent spectators during Congress regime towards slaughtering of cows. Unless a Government which cares for cows comes to power, cow slaughtering will not stop. The above views were expressed by advocate Manoj Raicha of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) from Bhiwandi.

‘Hindu Jagaran Manch’ took out a rally on Friday to protest against slaughtering of cows and cattle taking place for past few days in the district. After conclusion of the rally, few eminent personalities addressed the gathering of devout Hindus. A representation was submitted to Rajeev Jadhav, the District Collector and District Superintendent of Police, Deepak Pandeya on the occasion. About 500 devout Hindus from pro-Hindu organizations, Sects and political parties took part in the rally.

Advocate Raicha said, “The Government only issues a circular that Muslim organizations should not slaughter cows on the occasion of Bakr-Id; but no action is taken against those killing cows. Home Minister R R Patil only promises that cows and cattle transported for the purpose of killing, would be confiscated; but no action takes place. In the year 1956, Justice Ahmad of the Supreme Court dismissed a petition filed by Gujarat Government for imposing ban on cow slaughter. Despite holding such high post, he showed his religion by his act. Law for ban on slaughtering of not only cows but also of cattle should be passed in this country. Mr. Narendra Modi has passed such Act in Gujarat for which he needs to be felicitated.”

By bringing incidents of cow slaughtering to light, Hindus exhibited unity ! – Mr. Aniruddha Bhave, Ratnagiri zonal Minister, VHP

Hindus brought to light incidents of cow slaughtering in the district and exhibited unity. All Hindus should take atonement by observing fast for one day on Monday for their failure in stopping cow slaughter.

Hindus’ patience should not be tried ! – Mr. Rajendra Mahadik, District-chief of Shiv Sena

Centre of incidents like cow slaughtering is always shifting. Hindus take to roads after such incidents take place and immediately problem of law and order is created. If police stop such incidents on time, there won’t be any need for Hindus to come on the roads. Anti-Hindus should not try patience of Hindus.

Delay in taking action by police and administration led to people losing their patience ! –  Mr. Prashant Shirgaonkar, former Vice President, Jilha Parishad

It was accepted by the concerned that incidents of cow slaughter did take place at Shrungartali but police and administration delayed taking action; therefore, people lost patience.

No action is taken against the fanatics who take law in their hands and District Collector Rajeev Jadhav says, “Nobody should take law in his hand !”

1. Shortly, we are going to hold a workshop of police officers in which they will be explained about the law related to cow slaughtering. (Police apply stringent clauses to pro-Hindu activists so that they are not released immediately; but the same police apply such clauses to fanatics while taking action against them  so that they can be released on bail immediately. Do we say that such police are ignorant of laws ? And if they are really ignorant, then will the District Collector give proper instructions to police to apply appropriate clauses to fanatics ? – Editor SP)

2. Everyone has a right to protest; but nobody should take law in his hands. (Since the administration fails to observe laws, people have to take law in their hands and it has been proved through many incidents ! – Editor SP)

3. Ratnagiri District is a peace-loving district.  Festivals like Ganeshotsava and Navaratri were celebrated in peace; therefore, we felt that incidents disturbing peace would not occur on the occasion of even Bakr-Id.  (Although police officers are aware that Muslims slaughter cows, revered by all Hindus, on the occasion of Bakr-Id; still by having doubts in this respect, police are showing their concern only for Muslims and it is shown in their statements; how then such officers will do justice to Hindu? – Editor SP)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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