Kartik Shuklapaksha 12, Kaliyug Varsha 5114
Warkari Sect’s warning on the occasion of ‘Kartik Ekadashi’ at the desert of River Chandrabhaga !
Pandharpur (Maharashtra) : The Act imposing ban on cow-slaughter has been pending for the last 17 years. It should be immediately implemented by the Government and cows should be protected; else the Government should resign. Warkaris will take out a march in this connection on 20th December 2012 in Nagpur during winter session of the State Legislative Assembly. The Government should consider religious sentiments of Warkaris and implement the said Act. The above warning was given by Santveer Bandatatya Karadkar Maharaj to the Government in the presence of thousands of Warkaris at Pandharpur. The public meeting was chaired by H.B.P. Anilkaka Badave. H.B.P. Bandatatya Karadkar said, “The Government should treat this as our warning and take steps for passing the Act; else we will create such situation that the Government will start shivering in this winter session.”
H.B.P. Prakash Maharaj Javanjal said, “This Act should have been implemented within 18 days; but it took 18 years. The Government can hear only loud voice; therefore, all Warkaris should take part in large numbers and exhibit their strength at Nagpur.”
‘Chalo Nagpur’ – H.B.P. Rameshwar Maharaj Shastri
H.B.P. Rameshwar Maharaj Shastri explained to the participants about planning of the said agitation. He made an appeal that the slogan of ‘Chalo Nagpur’ should reach every village and this agitation should be successful. He said that on the day of Kartik Vaddya Ekadashi (10th December) , the plan about staging agitation will be formulated.
The Chairman of the meeting, H.B.P. Anilkaka Badave explained the importance of protecting cows and cattle and appealed everyone to work together. The meeting was compeered by H.B.P. Prakash Maharaj Bodhale.
Participation and support !
H.B.P. Sandeepan Maharaj Hasegaonkar, H.B.P. Ramkrushna Maharaj Lahavitkar, H.B.P. Pandurang Maharaj Ghule, H.B.P. Lokesh Yadav, H.B.P. Bapusaheb Dehukar also expressed their views and resolved to stage the agitation successfully with unity.
On this occasion, H.B.P. Narahari Maharaj Chaudhary, H.B.P. Dhavalikar Maharaj, H.B.P. Baburao Maharaj Wagh and hundreds of ‘keertankars’, ‘pravachankars’, Warkaris, ‘Phadakaris’ were present on the ‘Phada’ of H.B.P. Prakash Maharaj Bodhale. H.B.P. Nivrutti Maharaj Vakte of Rashtriya Warkari Sena has written a letter to H.B.P. Bandatatya Karadkar expressing his support. He has stated in the letter, “Anti-Hindu Congress Government is trying to eliminate Hindu Dharma by passing anti-Hindu laws. We will always extend support to your activities related to passing of law banning cow-slaughter.”
1. Slogans like ‘Hindu Dharma ki Jai’, ‘Gau Bachegi, Desh Bachega’ were raised in the meeting creating resonance in the desert.
2. Warkari attended the meeting in large number although programs like ‘keertan-bhajan’ were going on around the venue.
3. Warkaris attending the meeting were distributed special issue of ‘Kartiki Ekadashi’.
‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ supports agitation !
1. A file of news and articles published in ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ from time to time on cow-slaughter was given to H.B.P. Bandatatya Karadkar.
2. H.B.P. Ramesh Shastri Maharaj announced ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’s support to the agitation.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat