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PCB official site disrespects Indian national flag

Margashirsha Shuklapaksha 14, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

It shows the mentality of Pakistan and its people and still after such insult of our National Flag, BCCI and so-called sports enthusiasts want India to play cricket with Pakistan ! Every true Indian should boycott ongoing India-Pak Cricket Series !

Bangalore : With the bilateral cricketing ties resuming after five years, the image of the Indian flag on the official website of Pakistan cricket board might create more problems as the flag is displayed with ‘saffron’ down.

The official site of PCB, promoting the bilateral series on their homepage has invited trouble as they have displayed the Indian flag upside down.

According to the law, national flag displayed with the saffron down signifies a sign of distress or used as a form of protest. This could also lead to ‘flag desecration’ (flag abuse) which would also mean that it is intentionally done to destroy or mutilate a flag in public.

According to Indian flag code, violation of the same could invite severe punishment.

Moreover according to the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971 any damage or mutilation or disrespect to the national flag could lead to severe punishment.

Whoever in any public place or in any other place within public view burns, mutilates, defaces, defiles, disfigures, destroys, tramples upon or otherwise shows disrespect to or brings into contempt (whether by words, either spoken or written, or by acts) the Indian National Flag………. or any part thereof, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.

The expression, "Indian National Flag" includes any picture, painting, drawing or photograph, or other visible representation of the Indian National Flag, or of any part or parts thereof, made of any substance or represented on any substance.

The disrespect to the Indian National Flag includes

(a) a gross affront or indignity offered to the Indian National Flag; or

(b) dipping the Indian National Flag in salute to any person or thing; or

(c) flying the Indian National Flag at half-mast except on occasions on which the Flag is flown at half-mast on public buildings in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government; or

(d) using the Indian National Flag as a drapery in any form whatsoever except in state funerals or armed forces or other para-military forces funerals; or

(e) using the Indian National Flag as a portion of costume or uniform of any description or embroidering or printing it on cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins or any dress material; or

(f) putting any kind of inscription upon the Indian National Flag; or

(g) using the Indian National Flag as a receptacle for receiving, delivering or carrying anything except flower petals before the Indian National Flag is unfurled as part of celebrations on special occasions including the Republic Day or the Independences Day; or

(h) using the Indian National Flag as covering for a statue or a monument or a speaker’s desk or a speaker’s platform; or

(i) allowing the Indian National Flag to touch the ground or the floor or trail in water intentionally; or

(j) draping the Indian National Flag over the hood, top, and sides or back or on a vehicle, train, boat or an aircraft or any other similar object; or

(k) using the Indian National Flag as a covering for a building; or

(l) intentionally displaying the Indian National Flag with the "saffron" down.

Since the code suggests that the flag shall not be intentionally displayed with the saffron down the recent act from PCB, that has displayed the Indian flag upside down would invite more trouble.

Source : That’s Cricket

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