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Current situation in North-East is serious from the viewpoint of Nation and Dharma ! – Mr. Anil Dhir

Paush Shuklapaksha 12, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

Interview with pro-Hindu activist, Mr. Anil Dhir from Bhubaneswar (Odessa)

Mr. Anil Dhir
Mr. Anil Dhir

Many pro-Hindu activists are engaged in protection of Nation and Hindu Dharma through their organizations as also at individual level all over the country. Every Sunday, ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ will be publishing interviews of such pro-Hindu activists so as to introduce them to other Hindus and motivate other Hindus to become active. Mr. Chetan Rajhans of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) had interviewed Mr. Anil Dhir, from Bhubaneswar (Odessa), who is a pro-Hindu activist and striving for protection of Hinduism. He had paid a visit to Sanatan Sanstha’s Ashram at Ramnathi, Goa where he was interviewed. Given below is the first part of this interview.


‘Mr. Anil Dhir, a resident of Bhubaneswar (Odessa) was working as Vice President in a finance company at Kolkata. He has been associated with RSS since his childhood. He is also a member of ‘Itihas Sankalan Samiti (Committee for compilation of history)’ of RSS. He is active member of ‘Bharat Raksha Manch’ creating awareness amongst people towards infiltration of Bangla Deshis in India. He is in-charge of Public Relations of BJP for the State of Odessa. He is also a member of ‘Suraksha Samiti (Security Committee)’ of the renowned Sun Temple of Konark. He is a journalist and works for an English weekly periodical called ‘Uday India’ as a special representative and engaged in research journalism. His contribution on ‘Political Hinduism’ and ‘Protection of Nation’ is worthy of special mention in the present situation in India. Few months back when he came in contact with Sanatan Sanstha, he and his family members started chanting his family Deity’s name. He participates in Sanatan Sanstha’s mission of propagation of Dharma in Odessa.

1) Mr. Dheer  : He was inspired by his parents to work for Hinduism, felt love for temples since childhood and while studying in a missionary school, revolted when he was forced to adopt Christian culture!

Q: You have been associated with activities related to Hinduism. Who was your inspiration?

Mr. Anil Dhir (D) : I was inspired by my parents at young age. I am from Bhubaneswar in Odessa. Bhubaneswar is known as a city of temples. There is a temple of Jagannath at Puri. I used to feel affinity for the temples even when I was young; but that does not mean that I was very religious or spiritual. I studied in a missionary school. Since I was studying in such school, Christian culture was forced on us. In that situation also, we revolted. Such revolution was in my mind. The atmosphere at home was spiritual. My grand-parents were very religious and they used to worship our family Deity and other Deities; as such we also followed that path.  

2) Activities for Hinduism !

2.A) Since his college  days, he was active in RSS !

Q: You were also associated with RSS ?

D: I am associated with RSS since I was in college. Earlier, I used to work for RSS as a full-time member. I have worked in various departments of RSS. I am an office bearer of ‘Bharat Itihas Sankalan Samiti’ of RSS for Odessa State. I attend all programs of RSS held in its ‘Shakha’.

2.B) Activities in North-East India

2.B.1) Information gathered while working for ‘Uday India’, an English monthly periodical about secret movement carried on in North-India

Q: You had been to North-East region of India as a journalist. You have seen the actual position there; tell us about that.

D: An English monthly periodical is published from Delhi called ‘Uday India’. Its Editor Mr. Deepak Raat is also associated with RSS. I had contacted all districts in North -Eastern region through special correspondence; because we used to receive very few news items from that region. Very few correspondents go to the 5 States viz. Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam from main city like Delhi. I had contacted all these States. There is one secret movement going on which is known as ‘infiltration’. I got myself included in this movement and watched it at close quarters. I was covering one State every month.

2.B.2) Presenting reports on small groups which were involved in destruction of Indian culture through medium of conversion in North-East region’s all border areas

D: These 5 States are on the border of India. Infiltration problem was in Bangla Desh. Conversion is the main problem of North-East region. Still conversion movements are undertaken in that region; small groups are working there to destroy Indian culture. Such things cannot be told and not heard by others. I have submitted 2-3 reports on this subject.

2.B.3) Overcoming obstacles in going to North-Eastern region, Dheer meets Irom Sharmila, the ‘Iron lady’ of Manipur !

D: I could not visit many places as there are restrictions. People are not allowed to go there and the region has problems. I had gone to Imphal, the Capital of Manipur. I overcame lot of obstacles and met Manipur’s ‘Iron lady’ in a hospital. She is on hunger strike till death since past 10-12 years. An agitation had been staged at the entrance of ‘APS’.

2.B.4) Near the main office of ‘Assam Rifles’ at Kangla, women come together and put up boards of oppression meted out to them by soldiers; knowing about that oppression by investigating the matter

D: There is ‘Armed Forces Special Protection Act’ applicable to that region. The main office of ‘Assam Rifles’ is at Kangla Fort. Many women had displayed boards that ‘Indian soldiers disrobed them and raped them’. With great difficulty, I found 4-6 such oppressed women and met them to learn about their oppression.

2.b.5) ‘Suraksha Dal’ going after him, becomes difficult to visit the place in case of wrong reporting and problems remain as it is since Indian Government does not pay necessary attention   

D: ‘Suraksha Dal’ comes after you and does not let you work. It becomes difficult to re-visit the place in case there is wrong reporting. They keep you under ‘house arrest’. I have stayed with them at many places whereas I had also remained underground. There are many places where I could not go and could not compile news. It is one such corner of India where there are a lot of problems. It is very different from India. The main cause of their problems is Indian Government; no attention is paid to them by the Government. 

2.C) Religious condition of Hindus from Assam and Tripura   

2.C.1) Terrorist organizations infiltrate thro’ Bangla Desh. In Mizoram 99% population is Christian; therefore, oppressed Hindus move to other States as refugees

Q: How is the condition of Hindus in those States?

D: Terrorist organizations like ‘Hijbul Mujahideen’, ‘LTTE’, ‘JEM’ etc. infiltrate from Bangla Desh. Other 5 States have majority population as Christians. There are few Hindu groups also; but they are oppressed and migrating to other States as refugees.

2.C.2) People belonging to ‘Riyang’ tribe, who were originally Hindus, being oppressed for getting converted, they hide in hills and Indian Government does nothing for them

D: People from ‘Riyang’ tribe were Hindus. Their houses were burnt for forcing them to adopt Christianity, their women were raped, and they were looted. 15,000 Riyangs are staying in hills hiding themselves; but Indian Government is not doing anything for them. Kashmiri Pundits are spread all over India leaving Kashmir; similarly, 15,000 ‘Bruj Riyang’ are staying in hills like gypsies. I have been there. After Dharmapuri, one has to walk till Kanchanpur to reach their camps. The condition in which they are staying is so bad that it cannot be described. They are not engaged in farming. They go to forests and eat ‘bulbs and roots’. If they don’ find it, they try to kill animal and all of them eat it together.

2.C.3) Article written by Dheer in ‘Uday India’, discussed in Parliament and Central Finance Minister, P. Chidambaram only giving promise on his visit

D: The article written by me in ‘Uday India’, was also discussed in the Parliament. Later, Mr. P. Chidambaram went there; but the Government gives only promises. These people are still in touch with me. There is no change in their condition.

…Then rest of India will face the same situation like North-Eastern States due to fanatic Christians and Muslims!

Interview with pro-Hindu activist, Mr. Anil Dhir from Bhubaneswar (Odessa)

In the first part of interview taken by Mr. Chetan Rajhans of HJS, we read about the article written by Mr. Dheer in weekly periodical ‘Uday India’ on religious condition of Hindus in Assam and Tripura and regarding visit of Central Finance Minister, Mr. P. Chidambaram to those places. Now, let us see the second part of the interview.

3) Media keep people unaware of true happenings in North-Eastern region by not publishing news about oppression of Hindus in that region !

Mr. Anil Dhir (D): The saddest part is mass media does not publish news about oppression of Hindus in that region. Till the matter is not published, people won’t come to know. We have neglected the North-Eastern region. After going there on number of occasions, we learnt about the revolting factions who want to have separate identity from India. They have started North-Eastern movement.

4) Pathetic condition of people

4.A) Nobody leaves house after 6.00 -7.00 p.m. as people are scared of Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act and Indian army

D: All States in North-Eastern region are big and there, the Central Government has sent army. An Act has been passed viz. Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act to have control over them which has not yet been implemented. People are scared of Indian army and they refer to them not just as ‘Army’ but as ‘Indian Army’. When journalists like us go there, we are asked ‘Are you from India?’ The atmosphere is also very scary as people live under terror. Nobody is found on the roads after 6.00- 7.00 p.m. Theatres have been closed down for number of years. Hindi picture cannot be screened there.   

4.B) Interrogated while coming and going to Government offices; therefore, the Government employees go to office as punishment and are not aware of poverty of people

D: If you go to some Government office, you will be interrogated. At many places, such inquiry is conducted giving under the excuse of security. At Manipur, people are interrogated / checked even when leaving office. Indian Government also sometimes, sends its officers and employees by way of punishment to this region. As such, nobody comes to know about the true situation of people; their poverty and pathetic condition.  Indian citizens learn out natural calamities, accidents, floods etc. through television or newspapers; but news about happenings in this region is not published anywhere.

4.C) State Governments totally dependent on finance provided by Central Govt. but financial aid sent by them does not reach poor people

D: The local Governments are totally dependent on the Central Government for funds because there is no financial system of their own. Instead of increasing coordination among them and setting right financial system, the Central Government just provides funds. After receiving, the money does not reach truly needy people which is resulting in deterioration of their condition. I met 4-5 groups who used to fight among themselves. If they unite under one roof, neither the Central Government, Parliament, Constitution nor the army can stop them from separating.

5) Activities of churches and their interference in politics in North-Eastern region

5.A) Role played by church in politics is important and party supported by them only wins; few opposition members are getting financial aid from church; therefore, it is impossible to establish peace in that region

D: Church plays an important role in their politics. The church gives direction about who will win; who will govern etc. In a State like Mizoram, no canvassing takes place during elections as the church declares who is to be voted. As 99% population is Christian, they only win. Some of them are problem-shooters; still they are taken care of by the church; therefore, if peace is established, church will stop getting money. Till such situation exists, money will be received and people’s pockets will be filled. 

5.B) Majority population is Christian and church has hold over them; remaining Hindus are oppressed for conversion

D: People are ruled by church. Church says that ‘We have gone too far ahead’ which even we will have to accept because in some of the States, 70-80 % population is Christian. Rest could not be converted even after 100 years; but there is lot of pressure on them. They will face same situation like Kashmiri Pandits. They are being told to either get converted or leave.

6) Original Hindus, now living as ‘Riang’ tribe and leading gypsy life in ‘Bruj Riang’ mountains are not allowed to perform last rites of the dead; their temples are also being demolished

D: In many parts of North-East, Hindus are not allowed to perform last rites and cremate dead bodies. I am talking about ‘Riang colonies’; they are hiding in ‘Bruj Riang’ mountains for the main reason of not being allowed to perform last rites as per their custom; nor are they allowed to perform ‘puja/ ritualistic worship’. Temples are being demolished; therefore, the number of temples has gone down considerably; leave aside construction of new temples!

7) Muslims coming from Bangla Desh and Myanmar are also controlled by Christians and despite China trying to create problems, the elected rulers are working as agents of Central Government

D: There are 4 to 5 States in North-Eastern region which are under Christian influence. Muslims are also coming from Bangla Desh and Myanmar (erstwhile Burma); but even they are controlled by Christians. On the other hand, China is always playing some mischief waiting for an excuse to attack India; thus people are unnecessarily getting affected. China is claiming right over Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh. Those people also don’t know with whom they should go. The rulers work as agents of the Central Government. There must be hardly any State where some work is being done.

8) Political situation in Assam

8.A) The Govt. is most apathetic towards oppression of Hindus which recently took place in Assam; therefore, despite calling Army, order to shoot was not given. The present situation is very bad

D: The example of Assam is very recent. Even today, there is no peace. The ‘Relief camps’ are also attacked. The Government has not accepted that it was communal violence. The Government was claiming 15-20 days after the riots that it was a fight between ‘Bodos’ and ‘non-Bodos’ i.e tribals and non-tribals. The people who died in that violence were Bodos, Bengalis and Assamese. It was, in fact, a fight between Hindus-Muslims; but the Government did not agree to it. Army was called but very late. The army was instructed not to shoot; therefore, soldiers only marched holding flags. The situation has worsened. After some time, same situation will prevail even in other parts of India.

8.B) If the same situation continues in Assam, it can become a State with Muslims as majority

Q: How is the political situation in Assam ?

D: There is no change in political condition. If such condition continues, within next 15-20 years, it can become a State with Muslims as majority. I will give you only one example. After freedom, there were only two Muslim MLAs in the first State cabinet and now, there are 37.

Bangla Deshi infiltrators and Indian Government


‘Mr. Anil Dheer, a resident of Bhubaneswar (Odessa) was working as Vice President in a finance company at Kolkata. He has been associated with RSS since his childhood. He is also a member of ‘Itihas Sankalan Samiti (Committee for compilation of history)’ of RSS. He is active member of ‘Bharat Raksha Manch’ creating awareness amongst people towards infiltration of Bangla Deshis in India. He is in-charge of Public Relations of BJP for the State of Odessa. He is also a member of ‘Suraksha Samiti (Security Committee)’ of the renowned Sun Temple of Konark. He is a journalist and works for an English weekly periodical called ‘Uday India’ as a special representative and engaged in research journalism. His contribution on ‘Political Hinduism’ and ‘Protection of Nation’ is worthy of special mention in the present situation in India. He takes active part in Sanatan Sanstha’s mission of propagation of Dharma, in Odessa.

Different laws oppressive for Hindus in Assam

8.C.1] Bangla Deshi infiltrators try to amend laws so as to capture land of native Bodos

Mr. Anil Dheer (D) : Earlier, there was a law under which no outside person who was not from tribal community, could purchase land from Bodo tribal; therefore, Bangla Deshi infiltrators, who were not tribals, were toiling on the land of Bodos; but it was not possible to transfer the land in their name and this was the reason for agitation taking place in Assam. The infiltrators, therefore, wanted to amend such law.

8.C.2] A weird law was passed under which it became the liability of complainant to prove that the person coming to Assam is infiltrator. As a result, only 20 infiltrators were sent back in 15 years

D: After an incident of massacre which took place in Assam 20 years ago, a law named ‘IMDT (Illegal Migration Determination by Tribunal)’ was passed under which a person accusing somebody as infiltrator was required to prove that such person was Bangla Deshi infiltrator; but later the law was annulled by the High Court.

During the period of 15 years   when the above law was applicable, only 20 infiltrators could be sent back with great difficulty. The manner in which the person used to be sent back was also quite ridiculous as such person used to be taken to the border and pushed across the border.

Broken fence on Bangla Desh border

9.A] Although it was easy to close the whole Bangla Desh border by erecting fence, it was not done to allow smuggling with the connivance of Indian and Bangla Deshi soldiers

D: It is very easy to close the Bangla Desh border by erecting fence as there are no geographical hindrances. Whatever fencing I have seen while walking around, there used to be a gap of 2 kms after fence of every 10 kms. In short, there is no impenetrable fence on the border.  The main reason for the same is economy of Bangla Desh which is totally dependent on India. Everything including cows is smuggled from the border and our officers from Border Security Force and Bangla Deshi gun-holding soldiers are a party to such smuggling.

9.B] Smuggling of cows on the pretext of taking care of deficiency of proteins amongst Bangla Deshis and Govt. ignoring such smuggling

D: Cows have lot of proteins; therefore, 7000-8000 cows are smuggled every day across Bangla Desh border. Nowadays, there are no bullock carts and nobody ploughs their fields with the help of bulls; therefore, farmers sell their old and ailing cows and bulls. As such fauna is becoming extinct from the States in this region. The Government is also indifferent towards this problem because if the whole border is sealed, trade of animals will stop creating deficiency of proteins in Bangla Desh.

9.C] There is a law prohibiting to send animals out of the State but smuggling animals to Bangla Desh is a pre-planned conspiracy

D: As per the law prevailing in those States, animal cannot be taken from one State to another; even then, they are sent to Bangla Desh crossing 3-4 States and everyone is aware that it is a pre-planned conspiracy for trade; but nothing is done in this regard.

Complex problem of infiltrators

10.A] Despite security measures, 5000 Bangla Deshis infiltrate to India every day

D: Security has been provided all over the border; even then, as per the opinion of experts, 5000 Bangla Deshi infiltrators illegally enter India through porous border.

10.B] Indians have no knowledge about various cities in Bangla Desh; but the cunning Bangla Deshis know about even small towns in India !

D: Today, if you ask any Indian to name just 4 cities in Bangla Desh, other than Dhaka, they won’t be able to give any name; whereas Bangla Deshis know names of even small towns in India.

10.C] Bangla Deshi infiltrators are coming to India from 1951 and are on the path of becoming lawful citizens of this country !

D: We had staged one agitation on behalf of ‘Bharat-Russia Forum’ when we realized that there is no city in India where Bangla Deshi is not staying. They are on the verge of becoming lawful citizens of this country. They are coming to India from 1951 in systematic manner.

10.D] Agents from Bangla Desh take responsibility of infiltrating Bangla Deshis in India and take them to safe place for Rs. 20,000/-    

D: An agent in Bangla Desh takes Rs. 20,000/- for infiltrating Bangla Deshis in India. It is the responsibility of such agent to bring them to India by crossing border from sea either through a ferry boat or trawler and keep them in a safe house, madarasa or mosque. After some time, their papers are prepared and brought from Bangla Desh and they get jobs here. All this is done in systematic manner and now, such infiltration is on the rise.

‘Chicken Neck’ i.e. ‘Siligudi Corridor’

Q: Tell us something about ‘Siligudi Corridor’ or what we call as ‘Chicken Neck’.

11.A] ‘Chicken neck’ means a narrow belt from Bengal infested with naxalites till Siligudi which joins 7 States from North-Eastern region and from where borders of 4 nations are only 4 kms away

D: I have travelled through whole ‘chicken Corridor’ and have talked to many retired persons about this ‘Chicken Neck’ or ‘Siligudi Corridor’. They had expressed deep concern over the issue. This is narrow belt starting with part of Bengal infested with naxalites till Siligudi. Its width in some part is only 13 kms and full stretch is 30 kms. long. This narrow belt joins our 7 North-eastern States and crosses 4 borders. From here, Bangla Desh border is 3 kms, Nepal is 16 kms, Bhutan is 18 kms and China is 30-35 kms. These borders are of lot of significance. From this border, our railway line and national highway pass.; the oil pipelines also go from there. The main gas pipeline coming from East is also passing through this part.

11.B] Both Pakistan and China are interested in grabbing this land so that all 7 North-Eastern States will be destroyed

D:  Our main land is in this small part, therefore, in the 1971 war with Pakistan and Bangla Desh, Pakistan had tried to get control over this land. China also has war strategic plan to grab this land. One army officer told me that if we lose that land, all 7 States would be destroyed and we would lose contact with them. 

11.C] All communication system is in the area of Bangla Desh, therefore, in case of war with China or Pakistan, Bangla Desh will certainly not extend any help !

D: If India fights war with China or Pakistan, Bangla Desh will not extend any help to us. It will not allow India to fly its planes through their area, nor will it allow us to use its civil or army land. If any of our enemies get control over this part, we will lose control with all 7 States; because the highway, railway, gas pipeline, oil pipeline and electricity lines pass through this area. The above information was given to me by a retired officer from army.

11.D] The strategic part is under the control of army and under their guidance, civic department is allowed to use that part

D: That officer said, “Such strategic part is always under the control of army in every country and in which there is civic department also. People are allowed to make use of it only under the guidance of army.”

11.E] The population of Muslims in this part is growing and the Intelligence Department has alerted the Government about the same 

D: Intelligence Agencies have been advising the Government time and again that the population of Muslims in that small part was 3-4% earlier. Now, as per the census held in 2011, it has gone up to 27% in which per centage of infiltrators is more and it can still grow in future.

11.F] if China, Nepal and Bangla Desh take over that land due to Government’s indifference, it will cause immense damage to India; therefore, it is essential to hand over control of that part to Defence Department !

D: As per the experts, this part should be handed over to Defence Department and residential colonies should be established there; but the Government is not paying attention to it. One day, it will be too late because if China wants, it can win over this part within 10 hours. If helped by Nepal,  India is attacked by Bangla Desh then we will lose control over 7 States by next morning.

11.G]  China and Bangla Desh are claiming right over that land !

D: China is claiming right over that part. Bangla desh is also planning to wedge war for that part of land. In 1971, we created Bangla Desh making Mujibur Rehman as the Prime Minister. Pakistan has not forgiven us for this insult and defeat and will never forgive us.

11.H] If communication with this main part of land is broken due to strong separatist organizations, Hindus will have a very tough time

D: In North-Eastern parts, many separatists organizations are very strong. Once communication with this part is broken, God knows what Hindus will do !

Crisis for India : Bangla Deshi infiltrators and anti-Hindus !

We read the earlier part of conversation between Mr. Anil Dheer and Mr. Chetan Rajhans of HJS. Now let us read the following conversation.

Introduction : ‘Mr. Anil Dheer, a resident of Bhubaneswar (Odessa) was working as Vice President in a finance company at Kolkata. He has been associated with RSS since his childhood. He is also a member of ‘Itihas Sankalan Samiti (Committee for compilation of history)’ of RSS. He is active member of ‘Bharat Raksha Manch’ creating awareness amongst people towards infiltration of Bangla Deshis in India. He is in-charge of Public Relations of BJP for the State of Odessa. He is also a member of ‘Suraksha Samiti (Security Committee)’ of the renowned Sun Temple of Konark. He is a journalist and works for an English weekly periodical called ‘Uday India’ as a special representative and engaged in research journalism. His contribution on ‘Political Hinduism’ and ‘Protection of Nation’ is worthy of special mention in the present situation in India. He takes active part in Sanatan Sanstha’s mission of propagation of Dharma, in Odessa.

15. Unpardonable apathy shown by Bharat against Bangla Deshi infiltrators

15.A. Anti-national rulers don’t make use of costly ships purchased for security of Sea-routes owing to absence of persons who can operate ships (captains) ! : After the attack on Mumbai using sea-route, the Central Government allocated Rs. 100 crores for security of sea-coasts. Out of this fund, 7 police stations were opened in Odessa. They were given 3 ‘Interceptor’ ships costing Rs. 3 crores each with all facilities for the protection of sea-coast. Today, there are no personnel available to operate these ships and the ships are just lying in the docks. There is open infiltration. The Indian Government feels that all problems are solved if money is spent. No sea-coasts are safe other than Mumbai. When I told this to a Police Officer, he said, “We know that; but we cannot do anything.”

15.B. Anti-national leftists in Bengal assure safety to Bangla Deshi infiltrators for their vote-bank ! : For 15 days, mines in Odessa were closed down for election in Bengal as 30 – 40,000 Bangla Deshi workers from mines had gone to vote. Their identity cards are kept with office of ‘Left- front’ in Bengal. They are threatened that in case they did not go for voting, their houses would be burnt and they would be sent back to Bangla Desh. They cannot go even for funeral of their parents; but they have to go for voting.

15.C.  Anti-Hindu police from Odessa take no action against Bangla Deshi although they know that a gang of Bangla Deshi leader is involved in theft in temples ! : There were about 400- 500 incidents of robberies in Odessa in span of one year in which brass utensils, ornaments of Deities and donation boxes were stolen from temples. I registered cases with District police when the police said, ‘Bangla Deshi leader comes here and forms a gang with local people. These gangs are involved in robberies and the leader takes the stolen money to Bangla Desh. Police know it; but they cannot do anything.”

15.D. It is the apathy of all party rulers that there are Bangla Deshi infiltrators; despite proofs, they are openly roaming in Bharat ! : On medical papers related to the children of infiltrators staying in various villages, the first noting is made in Bangla Desh. I visited even small hospitals. Those people say, “Many patients with such noting come to hospital’; which proves that they are infiltrators.

The local MLAs are issuing identity cards to Bangla Deshis and making them legal citizens of India. Once they become citizens, they call 10 more persons and give them jobs; thus their number goes on increasing.

16.  Ungrateful Hindus have forgotten sacrifice of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati !

16.A. Anti-Hindu Central and State Govts. falling prey to pressurization of Christians, lodge complaints against Hindus, who raise their voice against injustice ! : Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati was killed brutally 3 years ago. After firing 17 bullets at him, his body was cut in pieces with axe. One old woman and the devotees present in the ashram were also killed. Enraged Hindus staged agitation at Kandhamal; therefore, Christians pressurized the Central and State Governments. Hindus also tried to strongly retaliate; therefore, angry administration lodged complaints against 35,000 Hindus. Despite setting up ‘fast track’ Court, 20,000 people are still waiting for justice.

16.B. Odessa rulers behind killing of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati ! : Indian citizens, Government and all Hindus quickly forgot about murder of Swamiji. 82 years old Swamiji was imparting ‘Vedic’ knowledge to tribals; he had opened hospitals for the poor; took back converted Hindus who had adopted Christianity. As a result, Christians got angry; targeted Swamiji and brutally killed him. Many members were there in the State Legislative Assembly who supported Christians; making Hindus helpless.

-Shri. Chetan Rajhans, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa (concluded)

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