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Solution for establishment of virtuous i.e. Hindu Nation !

Paush Pournima ,Kaliyug Varsha 5114

From our correspondent

1. Students should be imparted education that will give them financial independence and make them virtuous.

2. Indian education system and judicial system will only give true freedom !

The revolutionaries were of the opinion that freedom of people would be safeguarded and poverty would be eradicated if the British were thrown out of Bharat and if Indian education system and judicial system was implemented. This was advised by revolutionaries about 81 years back.
– Late Rajeev Dixit, the pioneer of ‘Swadeshi Andolan’

3. Remember that transformation of Nation is possible only when education policy is changed totally!  

Today, ‘Macaulay’s education system adopted by western courtiers is growing very fast which has made the whole country dissipated. The education system based on ‘Vaidik’ style has been destroyed; therefore, till the education system is not changed completely, transformation of nation is not possible.


1. Nation is the manifest form of Dharma : ‘Nation is the manifest form of Dharma. The awareness towards rights related to Dharma is the awareness towards existence of God in the form of Dharma which is required today. – A Scholar (thro’ the medium of Mrs. Anjali Gadgil on Phalgun Kru. 6, Kali Yuga Varsha 5110 [16.3.2009], 2.34 p.m.)

2. Need for following Vaidik path for eradication of anarchy !

A nation cannot survive by forgetting its cultural principles. Today, considering the increasing anarchy, lack of refinement, promiscuity and mentality developed to do whatever one wants; following of ways not adhering to science, it has become imperative to follow Vaidik path. The whole system has become so blurred, imperfect, baseless and corrupt that not only Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies but also the judiciary is becoming incompetent. 

3. ‘This Bharat is my own nation; her hatred is my hatred, her drawbacks are my defects; her greatness is my eminence; such should be unbreakable faith and such faith should be nurtured’ – Gurudev Dr. Kate Swamiji    

Ruler should be righteous !

1. What a king should have and should not have for an ideal Nation !

‘King is required to get what is lacking; to grow what exists; to protect what is grown; for equal distribution among subjects, of what is grown and protected; and for power to punish. The only condition is, the holder of such power should have no attachments and should have self-restraints; but if he is succumbing to all temptations and a coward, he becomes the destroyer of his kingdom.’ – Gurudev Kate Swamiji

2. ‘Kautilya’ should be kept as an ideal in politics !

We should keep ‘Kautilya’ as an ideal in politics. By shouting at our own people and not knowing our real enemy, we are making our nation as a weak and feeble nation. The principle of attacking should be used on others and not on our own people.

3. Government should be fearless and valiant !

Maharshi Dayanand had said in his guidance on how an ideal government should be that ‘Indro Jayaati na paraa Jayaataa….’- Atharv Veda, Chapter 6, ‘Sukta 98, Part 1 – meaning ‘O human, the person who can win over his foes and never gets defeated by his foes, is the ruler of his subjects.’

Unity of Hinds is the only solution !

1. Lack of unity amongst Hindus is the cause of many problems like terrorism, infiltration of Bangla Deshis, conversion of Hindus, cow-slaughter, injustice and oppression of Hindus, insult of Saints and Deities, robbing of temples etc. If Hindus unite, only then this curse will end !

A. Hindus are not united and this is the reason that the country is facing so many problems like terrorism, infiltration of more than 30 millions of Bangla Deshis, conversion of Hindus, cow-slaughtering, treason, immense injustice meted out to Hindus and their oppression, oppression and molestation of Hindu women, insult of Hindu Saints and Deities, constant robberies taking place in temples etc. Hindus are very tolerant and non-violent; therefore, attempts made for elimination of Hindu Dharma are on rise. If Hindus come together, all the above curses will end.

B. ‘Today, although India is a free country, Hindus are still slaves. Hindu Unity and unification is most essential to destroy this slavery. This is the true path of democracy and non-violence.’ – Mr. Anand Shankar Pandya (Bi-weekly- ‘Pavan Parivaar’, 1-15 May 2011)

2. Indian people are tolerant; therefore, rulers are taking advantage and exploiting them. We are responsible for this; but the day people lose patience and take to the roads; these rulers will know their right place in a moment.’ – Late Rajeev Dixit

3. People need to wake up and find out solution on the problem of corrupt rulers

The root cause of all problems is corruption of rulers and bureaucrats and the black money accumulated by them. Presently, no political party is capable of solving this huge problem; because all of them are the characters of this terrible drama. It will be possible to find out solution to this problem only if people wake up.’ – (Editor, Geeta Swadhyay, March 2011)

4. Awareness should be created keeping God in mind !

Many revolutionaries sacrificed their life for freedom of this country. God only relieved you from the clutches of slavery of the British through the medium of revolutionaries; else, living in the ‘Raja-Tama’ atmosphere of the British, you would have inculcated their ‘sanskars’. You should remember the revolutionaries who sacrificed their life and stopped the harm caused to country and Dharma and you should also now fight for protection of your nation and Dharma. Even today, there are people in this country who are causing harm to our nation and Dharma. If they are not curbed in time, the country will once again face subjection /dependence. Every citizen should, therefore, keep the revolutionaries and God in mind and create awareness.

5. If people stringently punish politicians for their mistakes, it will create awe over others !

‘In our times, defectors were given stringent punishment like amputation of their hands and legs; therefore, even others used to be scared and they did not dare to indulge in such acts. Today’s politicians support criminals and help terrorists. With such persons ruling the country, people need to punish them now.’ – An unknown power claiming to be Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (Mrs. Rajashree Arun Khollam)

6. Non-Governmental machinery is required to take action independently against the corrupt !

At the time of Parliamentary and State Legislative elections, candidates collect billions of rupees in the form of fees. Inquiry should be conducted against all such candidates and if found guilty, their candidature should be treated as invalid and they should be given life imprisonment. In China, a corrupt person is hanged; then why there is no system in India to put curb on them? Non-Governmental machinery is required to take action independently against the corrupt.

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