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Awareness needs to be created for preservation of our culture – Mr. Mahajan

Paush Krushnapaksha 12,Kaliyug Varsha 5114

Dombivali (Maharashtra) : A representation was submitted to the Principal, Shri. Ashok Mahajan of ‘Pragati’ College located in Dombivali (East) on behalf of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) for creating awareness amongst students against celebration of Valentine Day. Sav. Savita Sambhus from ‘Brahmavidya Sampradaya’, Sav. Annapurna Mulik of Sanatan Sanstha and Sav. Amruta Sambhus of HJS were present on the occasion. Shri. Mahajan said, “The drive undertaken by you is very good and such awareness needs to be created for preservation of our culture.”  

Our culture teaches to pay respect to our mother- father- Guru and motherland and to love them without any expectations. Despite such noble teachings, the craze of celebrating Valentine Day on 14th February, in the name of love, is becoming more and more popular amongst youth. Many malpractices are also taking place in the name of such celebrations; like it was published in newspapers that on that day, maximum sale of birth-control pills was recorded. Owing to the adverse effects of celebrating Valentine Day, even celebration of this ‘Day’ in western countries has gone down; in fact, the name of ‘Valentine’ has been removed from Roman Catholic calendars. Chhattisgad Government has imposed ban on ‘Valentine Day’ and has started celebration of ‘Matru-Pitru Pujan Din’. The representation given by HJS was for the above purpose.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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