Hindus should realize the conspiracy of conversion hatched by Christians in the name of propagation of religion !
1. These missionaries used to visit the colony every Saturday. They used to impress upon Hindus benefits of adopting Christianity and how Jesus is good. As a result, most of the Hindu families had removed pictures of Deities from their home. (Hindus believe in anything told by anyone due to lack of knowledge about matters related to Dharma. This incident shows the importance of imparting ‘Dharmashikshan’ to Hindus ! – Editor Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
2. Few alert Hindus got the wind of it and they informed activists of HJS (Such is the faith of Hindus in HJS activities ! – Editor Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
3. Activists of HJS went with the alert Hindus to the said colony where the missionaries used to propagate Christianity. They admonished the two missionaries and forced them to leave.
4. It has now been decided to conduct regular ‘Dharma-shikshan’ class there. HJS activists viz. Mr. Puran Malame, Prashant Chavan, devout Hindus along with other residents were present on this occasion. Some Hindus informed that such things were taking place quite often in that area.
Miraj : In this city too, lot of Christian missionaries are seen roaming around. They go to Mission’s hospital, market, railway station and distribute handbills at many other places; they ask people to go through ‘Bible’. They try to draw poor, innocent Hindus in their net using various tricks.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat