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February 2013 : Encouraging response received to extensive propagation of Dharma by HJS in various districts

Magh Krushnapaksha 5, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) propagates Dharma through different media at various places all over the country which includes organizing ‘Dharma-sabhas’, taking out protest march against corrupt rulers, conducting ‘Dharma-shikshan’ classes to impart education to people about matters related to Dharma, undertaking anti-Dharma drive like ‘Valentine Day’ etc. The response received from people to such activities is growing day by day. Given below are details on this subject.

1. Kolhapur

A. spontaneous response received from pro-Hindu activists to the meeting held for planning of ‘Hindu Dharma-jagruti Sabha’

The first meeting of pro-Hindu organizations and Sampradayas was held on ‘Paush Pournima, Kaliyuga Varsha 5114 [27.1.2013] which received response as given below.

1.  55 persons attending the meeting showed willingness to make efforts for success of the ‘sabha’ : 55 pro-Hindu activists and devotees of other Sampradayas attended the meeting although they were told about the meeting only once. Everyone was ready to shoulder any responsibility for organizing the ‘sabha’. All present activists had the attitude that the ‘sabha’ was their own and showed willingness to make efforts for success of the ‘sabha’. They also decided to give report of the developments in preparations of the ‘sabha’, once in 15 days.

2. Chiefs of some organizations gave time after 6.00 p.m. for propagation of ‘sabha’ : Shri. Sambhaji Salunkhe, the District-chief of Bajarang Dal and Shri. Dilip Bhivate, regional Vice-President of ‘Hindu Ekata Andolan’ said that every day after 6.00 p.m., they would devote time for propagation of ‘sabha’ and accordingly, they are giving time.

B. Specialities of protest march taken out against Congress Govt. for accusing Hindus with ‘saffron’ terrorism

1. Pro-Hindu activists give their vehicles for the march : A protest march was taken out on Paush Kru. 12, Kali Yuga Varsha 5114 [7.2.2013] against the Congress Government. Many pro-Hindu activists decided to take out their own vehicles for the said rally going through 21 villages.

2. 55 ‘Jidnyasus (curious)’ confirm their participation in the rally : Book-exhibitions were held at Kerle and Turumbe villages in January 2013. 55 ‘jidnyasus (curious)’ who had visited the book exhibitions, called up to confirm their participation in the rally.

3. Some Hindus, who showed their inability to join the rally due to financial problems, were helped by other pro-Hindu activists in their ‘to & fro’ journey.

2. Pune

A. 99 devout Hindus attended the meeting held after ‘Dharma-jagruti Sabha’

‘Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha’ was held on Magh Shu. 7, Kali Yuga Varsha 5114 [17.2.2013] at Kasarsai in Chinchwad. Subsequently, follow up meeting was held of pro-Hindu activists interested in HJS activities; which was attended by 99 devout Hindus.

B. Enmity within two groups ended and they closed down illegal liquor shops

In the follow up meeting, VCD was shown of the ‘sabha’. On watching the VCD, two warring groups from the village got inspired and united ending their enmity. They held meeting later for closing down illegal liquor shops.

3. Yeotmal

A. Advertiser promises to give advertisement worth Rs. 10,000/- every year looking at the quality of ‘Sanatan Panchang’

Few seekers went to an advertiser who had given advertisement last year. He said, “Take advertisement of Rs. 10,000/- from me, every year. Your ‘Panchang’ is very good.”

B. Within 7 days, 71 people subscribed to weekly ‘Sanatan Prabhat’

Shri. Vishnupant Khade could make 71 people subscribe to weekly ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ within 7 days. He used to go to shops and explain about the periodical in limited words; after showing the copy of the periodical, people used to subscribe to the paper.

4. Parbhani

For classes conducted by HJS for the youth, 750 youth members attended

250 youth members were present for submission of representation against Shri. Sushilkumar Shinde’s statement which was organized by Shri. Krushna Kate of HJS, Later, guidance by Shri. Manoj Khadye of HJS was organized for the youth members. The guidance was attended by 750 youth members. Now, ‘Dharma-shikshan’ classes are being organized for these youth members every week.

5. Nipani (Dist. Belgaum)

After reading the matter written on the exhibition board from ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’, a barber prayed regularly to the board with ‘bhav’; with the divine power in prayers, his daughter delivered child safely and further direction was found without spending anything :

At Tanaji Chowk in Nipani, matter published in Dainik Sanatan Prabhat is regularly written on display board. Shri. Vijay Mane, who is a barber by profession, reads the matter everyday and pays obeisance to the board. He was told by the doctor that his daughter’s delivery would not be normal and she would have to be operated. On the following day, he came near the board and twice paid obeisance praying that ‘O God, you only find a way through this problem.’ Later, his daughter delivered normally without spending any additional amount. He felt that it happened due to the divine power in the matter which was written on the board. He said that he would distribute copies of the daily newspaper during meeting of his community and make them subscribers. He has become a subscriber of DSP.

6. Faridabad

Principal of ‘Modern School’ at NOIDA Centre, assures not to celebrate Valentine Day

A representation was submitted to the Principal of ‘Modern School’ in NOIDA Centre, Faridabad (Janpath) on the occasion of valentine Day when Kumari Meena Gupta, the Principal of the school promised that Valentine Day would not be celebrated and nobody would even exchange flowers on that day.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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