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International Conference organised to re-establish ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in Nepal !

Magh Krushnapaksha Shashti, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

In order to establish ‘Hindu Rashtra’ again in Nepal, Hindus there become active ! On the contrary, Hindus in Bharat flout the concept of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ by embracing secularism !

Mumba : Nepal, which was the alone Hindu Rashtra in the world was converted into a secular nation by the Maoist Government. In order to make efforts for declaring Nepal again as a Hindu Rashtra, an organisation ‘Hindurashtra Nepal’ in Nepal has organised an International Conference on 11th March. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti will also be participating in this Conference. This Conference will be held in Kathmandu, the  capital of Nepal. The President of the organisation Jagatbahadur Thapa has appealed to Hindus, vide an appeal to attend the Conference in a large number. (The day on which Hindus in Bharat will learn a lesson from Hindus in Nepal will be an auspicious day ! – Editor Daily Sanatan Prabhat)

Hindus should establish a symbolic government in Nepal !

Interim National Constitution framed by Maoists in Nepal is not agreeable to Hindus. Hindus while opposing this constitution should enact own constitution suitable for Hindu Rashtra. They should boycott the laws enacted by the rulers. Similarly, they should stop paying taxes. Hindus should establish ‘Hindu Scholars Conference’, ‘Hindu Judicial Conference’, and ‘Symbolic Nepal Government’ in Nepal. A joint security force comprising Shiv Sena, Pashupati Sena, and Hindu Sena should be formed to establish Hindu Rashtra. The appeal letter requests that Hindus should cooperate in this mission.

Source Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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