Phalgun Shuklapaksha 11, Kaliyug Varsha 5114
Does his "respect" for dharma mean he will respect specific things like karma, reincarnation, our murtis (idols of Deities), our mantras, our avataras etc. ? If so, he ought to end conversion campaigns against such a faith as ours ! – Shri. Rajiv Malhotra, Author of 'Breaking India'
Vatican : The Roman Catholic Church would "promote friendship and respect between men and women of different religions," the pope said, a day after his formal inauguration in St Peter's Square.
"We can do a lot for the good of people who are poor, who are weak, who suffer… and to promote reconciliation and peace," Francis told them.
Representatives of Orthodox Christianity, Judaism and Islam were among those present at the meeting. (Why representatives of Hindu Dharma and Buddhism were not present ? Then how it can be called as 'meeting with representatives of major world religions' ? – Editor)
Latin America's first pontiff said they should be united against "one of the most dangerous pitfalls of our time – reducing human beings to what they produce and what they consume."
The Argentinian pope also said he felt "close" to those people who "do not recognise themselves in any faith but are in a search for truth, for goodness and for beauty, which is God."
Turning again to religious community leaders, he said: "I very much appreciate your presence and I see in it a sign of mutual respect and of cooperation for the common good of humanity."
Francis also assured Christians from other denominations of his "firm will to continue with the path of oecumenical dialogue".
He also told Jewish leaders he wanted to continue "a fraternal dialogue" that began with the reformist Second Vatican Council of the 1960s.
Source : The Telegraph
To implement his principle he should start a complaint investigation group where we can file complaints against any Catholic who is violating the principle of respect for us, and if the person is found guilty then punishment should be enforced by the church against such members.
In other words it should not be mere diplomacy talk but a policy that gets enforced.
– Shri. Rajiv Malhotra, Author of 'Breaking India'