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Can we change a snake from producing poison by feeding milk and honey ?

Phalgun Krushnapaksha 10, Kaliyug Varsha 5114

It is a mistaken notion that our society make a criminal, drug addicts, and alcoholics. Of course, certain countries want  to manage their population through drugs addiction and alcoholism. Criminals are born in every society. Marxist and pseudo liberals who claim falsely that society make criminals, and poverty, unemployment, and lack of proper  education produce e criminals to thrive. It is a phony and Bogus claim to create conflict and revolution in societies by the Marxists.

Criminals are born and they survive by social conditions that encourage corruption, criminal activities and lack of judicial restraints. In India, for example, most of the political leaders are criminals and the majority tolerate and compromise with criminal politicians.

Criminals are born and they act without fear, shame, remorse or empathy for the victims. They should be cornered, contained to save the society from them. A force continuum shall be applied hoping they will change their behavior. Studies have proven that criminals are repeat offenders and no amount of rehabilitation, education or unconditional regard will change them. Can we change a snake from producing poison by feeding milk and honey. A scorpion is a scorpion by nature. These blood sucking animals and criminals love darkness, will continue their behavior until their death. A few human being through continuous and constant sadhana and dedication may change their behavior traits.

Marxists and liberal's claim of Poverty, discrimination and unemployment cause criminal behavior is phony. Several Indians and Africans face severe poverty and there is lack of marketable education or skills for people to obtain proper employment. But they are not turning in to criminal behavior. They work had to make a living. The theory that all criminals are poor is false.

Fanatic Islamic terrorists, Islamic plane hijackers who killed more than 4000 innocent 'infidels' in America come from traditional Islamic families with high income, social status, and advanced education. Mullahs and Imams indoctrinate them at a young age with Islamic preaching that killing a Kafir will ensure sex with virgin girls at Allah's paradise. Certain Christian belief system also encourages social conflict, tension, eternal warfare between believers and unbelievers and create crime and violence. With their narrow world view, they are on murder mayhem. Marxism, Fascism, Nazism and Islam use force to annihilate its perceived opponents and infidels.

The only soultion for the world to reduce crime and violence is to embrace our vedic dharma all over the world.

Source : Haindava Keralam

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