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‘Spiritual practice and Protection of Nation’ camp starts under guidance of Shankaracharya, HJS participates

Chaitra Krushnapaksha 2, Kaliyug Varsha 5115

Omkareshwar (Madhya Pradesh) : The fourteenth camp on ‘Spiritual practice and Protection of Nation’ under the guidance of Jagatguru Shankaracharya Nishchalananda Maharaj was started at Sri Annapurna Ashram at ‘Omkareshwar’, the famous place of pilgrimage on the banks of River Narmada in Madhya Pradesh. This camp will be held for three days from 26th to 28th April 2013. Pujya Shankaracharya will be guiding the participants on spiritual practice in morning sessions and in the evening session, he will be guiding on ‘Dharma-shastra’ after speeches of dignitaries on the topic of ‘Protection of Nation’. Saints from Malaysia and Bangladesh, besides 300 devotees of Swamiji have taken part in this camp. On special invitation extended by Pujya Shankaracharya, Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and its North India Coordinator, Shri. Vinay Panwalkar have also joined the camp.    

During yesterday’s inauguration program, Pujya Shankaracharya explained the goal of our life in his erudite and engaging language. Pujya Shankaracharya said that the first goal of human life is to attain ‘Brahma-sthiti’ before life comes to an end. Human is an element of God whereas God is the base-matter. Every element of this world gets attracted to its base-matter, e.g. a flower that has the element of smell (Pruthvi/ Earth element) gets drawn to the Earth from tree; water gets drawn to sea.  When a lamp is lighted, the tip of its flame is attracted towards the sky. Similarly, human should also try to go towards its base matter i.e. God.   

Pujya Shankaracharya while explaining about introspection gave an example that ‘if a wrong key is pressed while using a computer, it immediately points out the same irrespective of the person who is using the computer; whether that is Shankaracharya or some worker; it points out the error without being subjective. Likewise, we should also study our mistakes.  

Shri. Ramesh Shinde of HJS interacting with a Saint

Shri. Ramesh Shinde of HJS interacting with a Saint

During the evening session, various invited dignitaries expressed their views on how to coordinate between the technique of governance and ‘Vyas-peetha’. Among them was Saint Pujya Kumaranandagiri from Malaysia. He said that a man became slave as the era of technology began. Earlier, the tradition of Guru and Knowledge had helped to protect Hindu Dharma despite many invasions; but today, owing to the technologies brought by western countries, money has acquired greater value than Dharma and Knowledge. It then becomes very easy to eliminate Dharma in such situation. What one can carry with him at the time of death is not money or clothes but only knowledge. It is necessary to impart knowledge and protect Dharma with the help of tradition of Knowledge.

Saint Pujya Priyabrat Swamiji from W. Bengal spoke about atrocities against Hindus , destruction of temples in Bangla Desh and stated that Pujya Shankaracahrya should take initiative  for stopping such things. A disciple of Pujya Shankaracahrya said that modernization and becoming slaves of western culture are two different things. For adopting modernity, it is not necessary to become slaves of western countries.  Today, our elected representatives waste four days in Parliament to decide about the age limit for having sex; but the matter of China infiltrating 10 kilometers inside Indian border is not discussed; which is very unfortunate. While concluding the session, Pujya Shankaracahrya said that the governance of king / nation should be controlled by ‘Vyas-peetha/ Dharma-peetha’, ruler should control trade and service technique should operate every system. While explaining about ‘Dharma-rajya (righteous governance)’, he said that we treat ‘Rama-rajya’ as ideal; but we don’t realize that twenty generations of King Janak were liberated. Dasharath, Kausalya, Sumitra from the family of Rama were liberated; even their Guru Vasishtha, 26 ministers from their  Court were liberated whereas Shriram and Seeta were incarnations of God. ‘Rama-rajya’ can happen only in such situation. It is, therefore, necessary to undertake spiritual practice and liberate ourselves. Hindus are made slaves in such manner that they would not be able to revolt. In earlier times, Hiranyakashyapu’s insistence was to oppose God; Pralhad’s insistence was chanting God’s name. None of them gave up their insistence after enlightenment. If insistence of both parties is same; there is fun in fighting. Similarly, now if the Government’s insistence is to eliminate Hindu Dharma; our insistence should be to preserve Hindu Dharma and eradicate ‘Dharma-drohis’. Only then, God will come to our rescue for establishment of ‘Dharma-rajya’ and eliminate those following wrong policies.            


Shri. Ramesh Shinde of HJS speaking in the camp

Shri. Ramesh Shinde of HJS speaking in the camp

Pujya Shankaracharya introduced Sanatan Sanstha so also unique mission of H. H. Dr. to the members of audience. He called activists of HJS and asked them to introduce themselves giving them an opportunity to speak. Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the spokesperson of HJS said, ‘We offer gratitude at the feet of Pujya Shankaracharya for inviting us to this camp and giving an opportunity to learn. Hindus need infallible leadership. If this leadership is taken over by an ascetic Saint who is observant towards welfare of country like Pujya Shankaracharya, establishment of Hindu Rashtra is certain. Today, Hindus are being misled in the name of secularism. We don’t want secularism that treats Hindus with injustice; but we want ‘Hindu Rashtra’ where  Hindus will be treated with respect. Azam Khan, the minister who behaved badly with Pujya Shankaracharya during ‘Kumbh-Mela’ was detained at the airport in USA and was interrogated for 1-1/2 hours. This is the justice done by God. Those oppressing Hindu Saints, will have to pay for their sins.

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