‘Legal Fight to Naxal Violence’ session on fourth day of Adhiveshan

Naxalism is a front to destroy Hindu culture ! – Advocate (Sou.) Rachna Naidu, Chhattisgarh

(From the left) Shri. Gopi K., Shri. Ishwarprasad Khandelwal, Sanatan’s Dharmpracharak Saint H.H. Ramanand Gowda and Advocate (Mrs.) Rachna Naidu

The nation’s soldiers are capable of fighting against Naxalism; but when Naxals are killed in clashes, some ‘human rights groups’ come out in support of the Naxals. When Naxals kill children, these ‘human rights groups’ go into hiding. The Naxals have slowly spread their tentacles, be it the opposition to the Citizenship Amendment Act, support for the anti-national farmers’ protests, the handiwork of urban Naxals in the Koregaon Bhima riots, or support for the Shaheen bagh protests. Naxals try to project that the country is fraught with problems, but the most violent acts are carried out by Naxals. They burn vehicles that come to build roads; those roads that are being built for the convenience of the tribals. Naxals cut down most of the trees. Naxals are carrying out bomb blasts in tribal areas. The tribals have to flee their villages.

Advocate (Sou.) Rachna Naidu, Chhattisgarh

We are celebrating the 75th year of independence, but even basic amenities have not reached the tribal areas. We have never heard of any Naxals attacking a church. After the country gained independence, Christian missionaries sowed a sense of victimhood in the tribals. They were cut off from Indian culture. Chhattisgarh has an ancient Indian culture. This culture is being destroyed and tribals are being converted. Those who did not win the war with us, tried to destroy our culture this way. It is necessary for everyone to unite and work together to fight against this, appealed Advocate (Sou.) Rachna Naidu from Chhattisgarh. She was speaking on the topic of ‘The unholy alliance of Naxalites, Christians and Communists, and the situation of tribal Hindus in Chhattisgarh’.

Shri. Gopi K. (State General Secretary Virat Hindusthan Sangham, Bengaluru), Shri. Ishwarprasad Khandelwal (National and Founding President of Lashkar-e-Hind) and Sanatan’s Dharmapracharak H.H. Ramanand Gowda were present on the dais.

It is necessary to recognise the real enemies of the nation to protect our land ! – Shri. Gopi K., State General Secretary, Virat Hindusthan Sangham, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Shri. Gopi K., State General Secretary, Virat Hindusthan Sangham, Bengaluru, Karnataka

The other religions of the world have their own nation; but Hindus do not have an independent nation. Pakistan is trying to tear India apart. For this, some Pak-backed groups are active in the country. They are good at it. It is necessary to identify the real enemies of the nation and protect our land. A large amount of black money is being invested in the country. Who is investing this money? It is important to understand this. People of other religions, including Christians and Muslims, receive political support. Efforts should be made to elect leaders who look after the interests of Hindus in all the states of the country.

Will not allow the Urban Naxals to succeed in breaking the country apart ! – Shri. Ishwarprasad Khandelwal, National and Founding President, Lashkar-e-Hind, Maharashtra

Shri. Ishwarprasad Khandelwal, National and Founding President, Lashkar-e-Hind, Maharashtra

“The urban Naxals are more dangerous than those with the jihadi mentality. Even if the urban Naxalites devise various strategies to tear apart the country, their strategy will not be successful” asserted Shri. Ishwarprasad Khandelwal. He was speaking on the topic ‘Reality of Urban Naxalites’ at the 10th Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan.

Shri. Ishwarprasad Khandelwal further said,

1. I have set up an organization called ‘Lashkar-e-Hind’ to deal with terrorists after bomb blasts in Mumbai. It was through this organization that I filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking a death sentence for the terrorist Mohammad Afzal.

2. My organization works to destroy the jihadi mentality. My organization is named in ‘Urdu and Persian’ to give a tit-for-tat reply to the enemies.

3. We have created the army of Pandavas. We want a Hindu Rashtra, so we are demanding a ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

4. Some unholy groups, under the banner of secularism and Islamisation, raised their ugly heads in 1982. Their sole objective was to divide the country by sowing an anti-national ideology. Foreign powers are working behind this and it is they who are financing these groups. Hindus should give serious thought to this.

5. These groups have begun to expand their presence in the judiciary, government offices, institutions, administration, and politics. They are being aided by Christian missionaries.

6. Human rights groups file lawsuits against atrocities on minorities. Jihadi activities are going on in the country, fanatics are carrying out violent activities such as stone pelting on the police and soldiers. Despite this, the retired left-leaning judges send a letter to the Supreme Court asking them not to take action against the religious fanatics. Fake people support the religious fanatics and the leftists. They should be opposed.

7. Urban Naxalism has also infiltrated the field of education. They talk about homosexuality. The urban Naxals are trying to attack the culture and the organization.

Spiritual practice is necessary for the establishment of the Hindu Rashtra! – Shri. Ishwarprasad Khandelwal

A door-to-door campaign should be held to create awareness about the Hindu Rashtra. This should be complemented with spiritual practice. Hindu Rashtra will be established according to God’s plan; but for that, we have to do spiritual practice. Without it, problems will not go away. Spiritual practice has resolved many issues in my life too.

Glimpse of this session

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