Impressive response of devout Hindus to the 10th Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan

From left, Shri. Ramesh Shinde, Shri. Chetan Rajhans, Sadguru Dr Charudatta Pingale, Smt. Esther Dhanraj and Shri. Ankit Salgaonkar

The Pope of the Vatican Church should apologize to the people of Gomantak for the ‘Inquisition’! – Smt. Esther Dhanraj, Bhagavad Gita Foundation for Vedic Studies, Telangana

Panjim : The Pope, the head of the Vatican, must publicly apologize to the Hindus for the 250 years of inhuman and degrading treatment meted out to the people of Gomantak (Goa) by Christian missionaries under the guise of ‘Inquisition’ asserted Smt. Esther Dhanraj, Associate Director, Bhagavad Gita Foundation for Vedic Studies, Bhagyanagar (Telangana). She was speaking at the concluding press conference of the 10th Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan here.

The press conference was addressed by the National Guide of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Sadguru Dr Charudatta Pingale, HJS National Spokesperson Shri. Ramesh Shinde, President of ‘Gomantak Hindu Pratishthan’ Shri. Ankit Salgaonkar and National Spokesperson of Sanatan Sanstha Shri. Chetan Rajhans too.

Smt. Esther Dhanraj, a practicing anti-proselytizing activist said, Pope John Paul II has previously apologised for the murder of Jews, the denial of equal rights to women in the church, and the enslavement of Africans. The list of apologies is long. Apologizing is not new to them. In Goa, there has been a Hindu genocide under the name of ‘Inquisition’, which is a historical fact. Many English thinkers have accepted this fact. The church has apologized for many small-large issues. So all the Hindu organizations participating in this Adhiveshan demand that the Church should also apologize for the ‘Inquisition’ in Goa.

Hindu organizations resolve to establish Hindu Rashtra constitutionally! – Sadguru Dr Charudatta Pingale, National Guide, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

The National Guide of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Sadguru Dr Charudatta Pingale said, “Hindu Rashtra can be established in a constitutional and parliamentary manner. All the Hindu organizations that participated in the Hindu Rashtra Sansad during the Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan have come to a unanimous decision regarding this. It (the Sansad) has produced good legal proposals. We will pass them to the Central Government. The Hindu organizations in the Adhiveshan have unanimously supported Nepal’s wish to become a Hindu Rashtra once again.

The ‘Hindu Rashtra Sansad’ was convened for 3 days to discuss issues of Dharmik interest like the Parliament of People’s Representatives. The resolutions passed in this Sansad will be sent to the people’s representatives. Based on that, discussions can take place in the Indian Parliament on issues like ‘Laws should be framed according to Indian culture’, ‘Gurukul Shikshan Mandal should be established’, ‘Priests in temples and Vedpathshalas should be given financial assistance’, ‘Minority status should be accorded on a global level’, as well as ‘Shrimat Bhagavadgita must be declared as the National Text’.

Goa government should implement an anti-conversion law! – Ankit Salgaonkar, Chairman, Gomantak Hindu Pratishthan

In the last few years, a large number of Hindus have been converted by Pastor Dominic and Jo-an Ministries of the Believers sect at Shivoli (Sivolim) in Goa. The same pastor who deceived Hindus under the guise of ‘healing’ them and converted them, fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. Hindus should take note of this. Dominic’s touts are proselytizing in Goa. Therefore, we demand that an anti-conversion law should be implemented in Goa.

Movement against ‘halal economy’ in every district through ‘anti-halal action committee’! – Ramesh Shinde, National Spokesperson, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Muslims need Halal; not other religions. However, the imposition of halal-certified meat and other products on the majority Hindus in India is against the freedom of religion as enshrined in the ‘Indian Constitution’, as well as consumer rights. Therefore, lawsuits should be filed against multinational establishments such as McDonald’s and KFC, which sell 100 percent halal food. Anti-Halal Action Committees have been set up at each district level to oppose the halal economy. An agitation against the ‘halal economy’ has been planned.

Central Naming Commission should be set up to change the names of cities named after invaders ! – Chetan Rajhans, National Spokesperson, Sanatan Sanstha

Demand for renaming Vasco as Sambhajinagar

Why should the cities of India be named after the invaders we have fought and driven out of India? For this, we have demanded that the Central Government should set up a ‘Central Naming Commission’ and change the names of towns, places, roads, museums, etc. across the country which are named after invaders. Accordingly, the government must change the name of Vasco-da-Gama to Sambhajinagar, on ‘Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj’ who fought for the protection of the people of Gomantak.

More than 400 delegates from more than 177 pro-Hindu organizations from 26 states of India, the USA, Hong Kong, Nepal, Fiji, and England were present at the 10th Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan.

Questions and Answers at the Concluding Press Conference of the Tenth ‘Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan’ held at Panjim

1. I renounced Christianity as it does not lead to spirituality, and accepted Hinduism! – Smt. Esther Dhanraj

Question: What is the reason for you to accept Hindu Dharma?

Answer (Smt. Esther Dhanraj): There is a theological reason for me to embrace Hindu Dharma. I was a staunch Christian. I wanted to establish a church by studying Christianity. I went to America to study Christianity. After studying the books related to Christianity there, I realized that ‘this religion does not lead to spirituality’. Due to this, I renounced Christianity and accepted Hindu Dharma.

2. Efforts to ban halal certification through awareness and agitations!

Question: How will the action committee work on halal certification?

Answer (Shri. Ramesh Shinde): The committee will spread awareness among Hindus. In Karnataka, 75 percent of Muslim shops were closed on the second day of the Ugadi festival. If Zomato claims that food has no religion, then it is surprising that there are Halal restaurants in Panjim.

When we already have the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there is no need for other certifications. Therefore, we will try to bring a ban on halal certification. A petition has been filed in the Karnataka High Court for the same which has been scheduled for June 21.

3. Question: Shriram Sena is banned in Goa. What do you have to say about that?

Answer (Sadguru Dr Pingale): The Goa government has given positive assurances to Hindu organizations. We are also waiting for the decision of the government.

4. Anti-Conversion law is necessary!

Question: Discussions are on to bring an anti-conversion law in Goa. What do you think about it?

Answer (Sadguru Dr Pingale): Conversion is a crime against humanity. If all religions are the same, why convert? People who talk about human rights, sharing love and world peace are the ones who set up Inquisitions. Poverty is being used as a means and people are being enticed into converting. That is why an anti-conversion law is necessary. A resolution in this regard has been passed in the Adhiveshan. Local people’s representatives, MLAs and MPs should demand this from the government. Goa government should propose an anti-conversion law in Parliament.

5. Bhagwan Parashuram is the saviour of Goa.

Question: Prof. Subhash Velingkar opposes calling St Xavier ‘Goemcho Saib’. What do you think about it?

Answer (Shri. Ramesh Shinde): How can that St Xavier, who was responsible for the Inquisition of Goa, for the people of Gomantak to flee their land, be called the Goemcho Saib? The people of Gomantak fought to expel the Portuguese who indiscriminately persecuted them. Why should the Portuguese be commemorated and celebrated? We Hindus believe that ‘Bhagwan Parashuram is the Deity of this Gomantak land’.

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